Thursday, June 21, 2007

Packing with a 13 month old

We're getting ready to leave for our very 1st family vacation! We've been packing all week. I've had to keep Shane in his crib while I've been packing up his suitcase or I swear he'd be "helping" the way he helps with folding laundry. I fold something up and put it away, he pulls it and throws it on the floor. Can't you just see the contents of his suitcase all over his bedroom floor? Each and every item would be sprawled out across the floor for his enjoyment, right down to the ten suckers he keeps in his crib. Life with a toddler . . .

Daddy is home with Shane today, doing the laundry, getting the money, mowing the lawn, picking up the house, and all of this while keeping "the boss" happy and occupied. Occupied is an over-rated word. Even an Elmo video can only occupy his little mind for so long!

Wish us luck tomorrow, with a four hour drive ahead of us - we'll be lucky to all make it down to the shore and still be speaking with each other. Did I mention we're bringing our two big dogs with us, too? Did I mention we're crazy?