Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Ok, so maybe I'm not so hot at updating this blog on a regular basis. It's a work in progress for me, I"m trying - I really am!

Shane has had a busy month this month! Last week he was officially diagonosed with his 3rd ear infection. Luckily, I think we caught this one early enough before it started causing him too much discomfort. Poor little boy. These things will be much easier when he's able to actually TELL us that something hurts - until then - all we have is parental instinct, which has actually been working pretty well for us.

Over the weekend Shane and I went on a playdate! We got together with the rest of the UConn girls and their kids - such a blast. It's so nice, 10+ years later, to still be able to get together and pick up exactly where we left off. For a group of 7 girls, I think that says a lot about our friendship. Shane had a ball, Mommy had a ball and we're both looking forward to doing it again in a few months!

Labor Day weekend is coming up. No real plans to speak of - just a lot of family time. Our own little family will do some shopping on Saturday morning and maybe even go to Stew Leonard's - Shane gets such a kick out of that place! Later that day we'll visit with Grandma, Aunt Kate, Aunt Sue, Aunt Joni and Aunt Kathy and then on Sunday we're going to take a trip to Long Island to see GramZ and Grandpa! Very busy weekend ahead for a very busy boy!

Shane turns 16 months old on Monday - how the heck did that happen?!?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sleep? Huh?

So, for whatever reason, our adorable bouncing baby (ok, toddler) boy has decided he doesn't want to sleep. When Shane doesn't sleep, no one sleeps (ok, except for the dogs).

It started last week. Chris was working his 3rd 12 hour shift of the week and Shane got up at 10:15, screaming. Crying. Miserable, miserable, someone is attacking me, crying. I cried along with him. I guess that's what happens when you become a parent. When your child is crying, and you don't know how to make it better, you just join the cry-fest yourself. I did finally get him back down that night, at 1:11am.

Now napping has never been one of Shane's strengths, but the last two weeks, he's decided that a one, or one and a half hour, nap should suffice. And I suppose it would if he would go to sleep at 7:30 and then sleep his usual 11 hours without waking. But that's not the case. 7:30, still awake. 8:00, still awake. 8:30, still awake. 9:00, finally sleeping. For now.

Last night he decided he wanted company again in the middle of the night. He "called" for us at 2:00am. Luckily, a bottle did the trick and we had him back down at 2:30.

Having a 15 month old wake in the middle of the night is, in a way, worse than having a newborn. We got through that phase just fine. The wakings were expected. And for the most part, we were prepared. Then he started sleeping through the night. And we got used to it. And we liked it. And now waking up is rough. Very rough. But we do it, because we're his parents. And that's what parents do.