Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Radio Flyer

We took Shane out in the wagon this weekend (seeing as how playing in the snow didn't go over so well) and he loved every second of it.

Here's 2 quick shots from our "wagon time".

. . . 'Cuz We Love You More Than We Could Ever Tell You . . .

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Play, No Way

Finally got our first BIG snowfall of the year. I'm SO excited! I can take Shane outside to play! Literally spent 20 minutes getting him dressed. Diaper, clothes, socks, snowsuit, boots. Tuck boots under the snowsuit. Put on hat. Put on hood. Put on mittens. Fight to get the thumb in the thumb hole. Repeat. And this is how it played out:

What the heck???? Mommy????
Ok, now I'm sure I don't like it . . . MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY
Just in case there was ANY doubt
Seriously? Do all toddlers hate the snow this much?
At this point I'm thinking we should go inside . . .
And yet, I still continue to take more photos
He is SO going to hate me when he's older!
The dogs on the other hand, they were loving life today!!!

Pillow Talk

Shane started sleeping with a pillow in his crib this week. When he actually falls asleep with his head (and not his feet) on the pillow, it's seriously the cutest thing you'd ever want to see. He's really looking like he's starting to outgrow his crib. We've got his "big boy bed" upstairs waiting for him. We went and bought it a few months ago when we were (still are) having sleep issues. We do think Shane's ready for the bed, and that he'd like it. But Mommy and Daddy aren't. We'd like a few more months of "confinement" before the battle begins!

Notice the netting around his crib??? That's his crib tent. It's what keeps SpiderMan inside of the crib. This is the reason the bed will continue to wait for Shane in storage upstairs!

This Just In: Traffic Jam on the Playroom Sofa . . .

This is the new "thing" to do in our house. He also "parks" them all against the back of the couch. SO cute!

A Lesson in Sharing

Here Daddy, you take all of these and I'll take Pooh.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Busy, Busy

It's been very busy at the O'Connor household lately!

Shane's been waking up at 5am EVERY day. His little internal alarm is working - no doubt about that! Mommy & Daddy could use for it to break once or twice a week, but no such luck!

Shane has also added a few new words to his vocabulary (at least once anyway!): chair and down. He's probably up to about 15 words or so now, which we think is great considering this time last month he had about 4! Now if only we could start getting him to use his words consistently!

Here are a few pictures that Chris snapped. This is what a typical morning looks like for "Mr. Mom" and his sidekick!
What messy playroom, Daddy? I don't see a messy playroom.
Changed? Why do I need to get changed, Daddy?My boys - I love them dearly, really I do, but man are they messy!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bath Time is Fun Time

Daddy, is my bath ready yet?
How 'bout now, Daddy? 'Cuz now I'm ready.
Playing with bubbles!

What, you mean I'm not supposed to eat these?

Flurry Frenzy

Shane has this thing about being outside - he LOVES it! However, on Friday he started coming down with his very first cold of the season, so letting him go outside in 10 degree weather isn't really something we want to be doing. Try telling Shane that. So, on Saturday when it started to flurry out we quickly bundled everyone up and ran out back to enjoy the fresh, BITTER cold air for a few minutes.
And this is what happens when he takes his mittens off:


Shane thoroughly enjoyed his very first SpaghettiOs lunch (can you tell we were in desperate need of grocery shopping!) This was the outcome:

Friday, February 8, 2008

The "Can-Can" Game

This is how it works:
First you have to get cans out of the pantry.
Then you pile them up on the desk
Then you have to run back to the pantry to repeat the process once again.
Once back in the pantry, you grab as many additional cans as you can carry at one time.
You then carry them back over to the desk (in the other room) and add them to the pile.
You do this until you decide that you've done it enough.

Then you start to bring the cans BACK to the pantry and put them away - :-)You pile them all up neatly on the same shelf (even once the shelf has run out of room).
And finally, and this is the most important step, once you fool Mommy & Daddy into thinking you're an angel who cleans up after themself, you start the game again (and this time around, you don't clean up!)Please note, this is a very serious game and no smiling is allowed!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

21 Months Old

21 months old! Crazy! In 3 short months he'll be TWO!

He's added another word (or two) to his vocabulary - "socks" (and possibly "door" - though we've only heard that one once).

Who knew! This time last month he wasn't talking at all and now we've got another 5 or 6 out of him - amazing what one little month can do. It's exciting to see what'll happen this month.

We busted out the finger painting stuff over the weekend. Shane loved squeezing the paint out of the tube and was actually starting to get a kick out of the whole thing . . . then he got paint on his hands! Not such a fan of having messy, sticky hands - so that's where the finger painting stopped - when we got to the actual painting part. But it was fun while it lasted and we got some cute pictures out of it!

And one while playing outside later that day:

Never Underestimate the Underdog

GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!!

The New York "Football" Giants win the 42nd Superbowl! They defeated the (previously) un-defeated New England Patriots by a score of 17-14. Nail-biter game right down to the end!

Here are some pictures of Shane supporting the "G-men" that we took earlier in the day.

Way to go Big Blue!!!