We enjoyed having both sides of the family over for dinner on Christmas Eve and we spent Chrismtas Day at Grandma Lin's house with everyone. Santa was especially good to all of us this year! Chris and I can't wait for Shane to understand Christmas and to see the excitement in his eyes and on his face as the day approaches and then is finally here. It really is the greatest of holidays, and I don't think anyone enjoys the holiday more than parents of young, innocent, believing children. Remember what it felt like to believe? I can't wait to go to that magical world again!
The O'Connor Family Christmas Tree - 2007

Chris opening a present on Christmas Eve morning - Chris LOVES opening presents. Probably even more than Shane does!
The three "wise men" keeping warm out by the fire - this became a recurring thing - everytime the three of them were together. Notice how not even one of them is wearing a coat!
Shane riding in his new car from Uncle Jay!Look at all those great presents from Santa!
Even a tricycle! Complete with matching Elmo helmet, knee pads and elbow pads - seriously SO cute!
Shane dazed and confused on Christmas morning
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
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