That's how much the two boxes weigh that make up Shane's new swing set!
Toys 'R Us was having a HUGE "backyard fun" sale and we took FULL advantage! We had planned on getting Shane a playground for his 2nd birthday (with the help of Grandma, GramZ and Grandpa) but couldn't pass up saving $140!
So today, we all pile into the car, go to Toys 'R Us and while Chris chases Shane around every child's dream store, I make the purchase. Of course these boxes are HUGE and while we know they'll fit in the Pilot, we are also (now) well aware that they won't fit with the Cadillac of carseats (the Britax Marathon - thanks Aunt Sue & Aunt Joni!!) sitting in the backseat. This of course poses a problem seeing as how we have Shane with us!!
So - poor Chris (who again earned the Daddy of the Year award) drove Shane and I back home, only to turn around and go right back to the toy store to lug those boxes back home.
They're now resting comfortably in the garage (while the Civic sits in the driveway) waiting for the ground to thaw.
Grandpa, Uncle Jay - get ready! We're calling this "the fence . . . take two"!

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