I saw this on another blog one day last week and saved it to use here. I just thought it was too darn cute to not share!!!
My name is... Shane Patrick O'Connor
Mommy and Daddy's special name for me... Shaney, baby, or buddy
My age... TWO!
My height... 35 inches, I'm in the 75th percentile for height!
My weight... 28lbs 5 oz, right in the 50th percentile for weight.
My biggest accomplishments this year... starting to talk. Learning to run, jump and climb. Feeding myself with a fork and spoon. Learning to identify a car from a bus from a truck from a train. Learning that doggies say "grrrrr" and kitty cats say "mowwww". Figuring out how to get out of my crib. Sitting in a big boy chair at the table. Learning all my body parts. And figuring out how to break off the tip of every single crayon in my crayon drawer.
When I grow up, I want to be... just like Daddy. Or drive a truck. Or be a fireman.
My favorite foods are... yogurt, yogurt, yogurt and yogurt. Yo-baby brand only, please. And I suppose peaches and bananas, too. Also, my two new favorites are Cheerios and chocolate ice cream.
I don't like to eat... Eggs, oatmeal, toast, pork or mashed potatoes. Everything else is hit or miss.
My favorite toys are... my cars and trucks. Hands down. No contest.
My favorite "toys" of Mommy and Daddy's are... the computer, the telephone, their cell phones and the remote. But only the real remote, not the old or fakes ones that they try to fool me with.
My favorite books are... Any of my truck books or my bedtime books. My favorite bedtime books are "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boynton, "Mommy Hugs" by Karen Katz or "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown.
My favorite things to do outside are... climbing up my playground and going down the slide. Playing in my sand box. Shooting my trucks down the slide. Going for wagon rides. Walking around the neighborhood. Chasing the dogs. Eating ice cream cones (mom says they're for outside only!) and also playing in the sprinkler - but only if Mommy or Daddy will go with me.
My favorite things to do inside are... play with and line up my trucks. Ride my car and kiddie tricycle around the house like a mad-man. Lay on Mommy and Daddy's bed and watch Elmo. Take food out of the pantry and pile it up in my playroom. Torment my doggies. And also, help Mommy mop the floors.
My favorite colors are... I guess blue since that's mostly the color Mommy and Daddy dress me in. But honestly, between you and me, I really don't care!
My favorite things to do with Daddy... Go for long walks around town and go to the stores with him. He lets me walk around by myself and doesn't make me sit in the cart like Mommy does. I also like to dance with Daddy.
My favorite things to do with Mommy... Read books, play in the bath and play outside. I also make Mommy lay with me when I watch Elmo in her bed and I like to help her in the kitchen a lot, especially if she's doing dishes or cleaning up!
My vocabulary includes... about 30-40 words right now, which is way more than I was saying even just 6 months ago! I'll try to repeat almost anything now, too! My most recent word is "garage" - Grandma taught me that one when Mommy and Daddy were away last weekend.
I think it's funny when... Mommy tells me not to do something! Even when she tries to raise her voice or make her voice stern, I still laugh!! I also think it's funny when my doggies "wrestle" or when someone tells me my piggies are stinky!
I like to help Mommy and Daddy around the house by... mopping the floors! I also "help" to put my toys away in the playroom and I help to bring the groceries into the house from the car after Mommy or Daddy go to the grocery store.
When we travel I like to go... to visit any of my grandparents. I also like to go to the Children's Museum or to the Zoo.
My favorite music to listen to on our road trips (or any other time in the car) is... Elmo or the Wiggles. I'm also getting to like Daddy's favorite band - The Grateful Dead. But don't let Mommy know!
Right now I'm learning how to... brush my teeth. I'm learning how to identify different animals and the sounds they make. I'm also trying to learn my colors and my shapes. I also just recently learned how to turn the TV on/off again, too!
I get very happy and excited when... Mommy or Daddy come home after being gone. When Grandma or Grandpa and GramZ come over. When Aunt Kate takes me out. When I see my doggies. When I see a truck. Or a bus. Or a train. Or a plane. And also when I get to eat yogurt!
I can't go to sleep without... my favorite blanket or the 5 pacifiers that are currently in my crib. I also can't go to sleep without having my bedtime routine. I like having a bath every night and I like sitting with Mommy while we watch a little Elmo and read a few books. I also need to have some noise in my room, like the air conditioner or the humidifier.
I get mad when... I don't get what I want as quickly as I want it. I also get mad when Mommy or Daddy tell me no or when I get frustrated because I can't figure out how to do something. I also get mad when I get hurt.
I get scared when... there are a lot of people around. It takes me a while to warm up to a crowd, even longer if it's a crowd of strangers. Loud, sudden, noises will spook me sometimes, too.
The best part about turning two was... going to the Truck Museum, getting a chocolate shake with my lunch and having an Elmo party with all my family that I love very much! (It also didn't stink that almost everyone gave me a truck of some sort!)
This next year I hope to... finally convince Mommy and Daddy to let me sleep in my big boy bed. I hope to be potty trained. I want to learn my ABC's and my numbers. I hope to start using 2 word phrases and talk in full sentences. I also secretly hope to get a lot more trucks to play with. Maybe someone can pass that along to Mommy and Daddy??? Thanks!