Let me set the scene:
It's about 6:45pm on Sunday - just a few minutes before bathtime. Shane is BANGING on the door of the fridge because he desperately wants another yogurt - this would make 4 for the day. I approach Shane in the kitchen and I know, well before I even reach him, that his diaper needs changing!! It was THAT bad!
So we change him. And we don't see the point of putting a new diaper on when he'll be in the tub in 10-15 minutes. So we decide we'll risk it and let him run around naked for the last few minutes of the day.
Our son doesn't forget things. They say toddlers are easily distracted, but not our boy! The second he's off the changing table, he's right back at the fridge! So we give in and give him his 4th yogurt (feel free to buy stock in Yo-Baby, I promise you it will be money well invested!)
Two minutes later, this is what we find:
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