We stopped by Uncle Jay's to drag him to dinner with us last weekend and while we there I snapped a couple of shots of some of the updates Jay's done.
I want to say that while I did happen to have the camera in the car, my 50mm prime lens (aka no zoom) was the only lens I had with me. With a fixed lens, there is no zooming in or out if you happen to be too close, or too far, to the subject.
What I'm trying to say is that some of these shots may appear "smooshed" - and that's just because I didn't have the room to back up any further to get more of an image inside the frame.
In other words, deal with it. :-)
Jay spent some time working on the "wells" (?) for the basement windows. He put in those new silver things (you can tell we don't have a basement of our own - I have NO idea what those are called) and filled it with pea gravel - all to help with any potential water problems.

Checking out Jay's efforts, while Shane "helps"

Uncle Jay finishing up the mulch bed around the GORGEOUS tree line in his yard.

A shot of that GORGEOUS tree line.

Jay stained the deck off the sun porch. Looks FANTASTIC and makes such a difference!

Side yard, off the sun porch.

Front of the house. No more overgrown landscaping, new door knob/lock, mulch around the Japanese maple. Looking good!

Side yard (far side of house). Another shot of the tree line.

Kitchen. Finally starting to look lived in and "homey". New microwave courtesy of the Z's!
Living room portion of the "yellow room".

Bathroom - this room looks GREAT! Shower curtain is perfect for in there.

Looking down the hallway. From the "yellow room", through the kitchen, to the sun porch.

Keep up the good work, Uncle Jay! Your hard work is definitely paying off!
1 comment:
Dear Kristin-
You do such a great job with this site-I enjoy it so much and just love all the anecdotes about Shane-
Jay is really doing a lot with the house-now has Shane started decorating his room at Uncle Jay's for when he sleeps overnight and Uncle Jay babysits-
Love always-
Cousin Regi
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