Since our summer party and Rich and Lauren's departure just 1.5 weeks ago, we've had the following going on:
Wed, July 30 - Shane spikes a fever in the morning, I take the afternoon off to take him to the pediatrician. Diagnosis: ear infection. Go to Target to fill the prescription and the little guy throws up all over himself and all over his carseat. We fore-go the prescription and go home to get cleaned up and Shane takes a nap.
Thursday, July 31 - Shane's temp is down a bit, but he's still not 100%. Chris takes the day off from work so we can keep Shane home.
Friday, August 1 - Shane's temp is normal in the morning, but GramZ drives up from Long Island to spend the day with Shane so we can keep him home again. By the time I get home from work Shane has a little rash on one of his wrists/arm. After dinner the rash has spread to both knees and legs. GramZ and I take Shane back to the pediatrician. Diagnosis: coxsacki virus! Blisters in his throat confirm the diagnosis. Blisters weren't present on Wednesday and the coxsacki symptoms mirrored those of an ear infection, viral sore throat. Shane is taken off the antibiotics and is cleared for going to Sesame Place the following day.
Saturday, August 2 - Grandpa comes up from Long Island to spend the weekend with GramZ and our girls while we go away. We leave for Sesame Place.
Sunday, August 3 - Fun-filled, family day at Sesame Place! We return home that night.
Monday, August 4 - I had the day off and GramZ is still in CT with us. Daycare is closed this week because of vacation. GramZ and I spend the day with Shane and we venture into New Haven to find Lighthouse Point and to ride the carousel. That night Chris calls at 10pm to say he's on his way home - he's got a fever and a sore throat! He gets home and is shivering. Fever is at 100.6. He takes a shower and then vomits and goes to bed.
Tuesday, August 5 - Chris wakes up feeling a bit better but heads out to the walk-in clinic anyway. Fever is a bit lower than the previous night. Diagnosis: potential strep throat. Given prescription for an antibiotic and sent home. He feels better by lunch and goes to work. GramZ stays home with Shane in the afternoon while Chris and I are working. By 6pm Chris calls to say his fever is back (this time 102) and he has no sense of balance, he's very dizzy. He asks that we come pick him up because he doesn't feel like he could drive home. We leave the house, dinner dishes all over the table and kitchen, just after 6 to go get Chris. We get to Norwalk, GramZ hops in the Civic with Chris and takes him back to the walk-in clinic. 102 temp is confirmed, he's given a presecription for a pain killer and was told he'd feel worse before he feels better. By the time we all get home, it's evident that little angels came and cleaned up the house while we were out! Thanks Aunt Kate and Grandma! No vomiting last night, but lots of dry-heaving.
Wednesday, August 6 - Fever is down to under 100, but the same was true yesterday morning as well. Chris will spend the day in bed today, I will bring GramZ to the ferry this afternoon so she can FINALLY go home (poor GramZ!!) and then will take Shane to spend the afternoon at Grandma's while Daddy sleeps. After I get out of work I'll go pick Shane up at Grandma's and head home to see how Daddy is feeling!
And did I mention that we're supposed to leave for Cape Cod on Friday????!!!!
As you can see, I haven't had much time for editing photos! Below are a few shots from Shane's first stay in a hotel, parade pictures from Sesame Place to come tomorrow!
Chilling on the bed and watching LeapFrog Letter Factory (who says TV can't be educational!):
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