Getting a glimpse of freedom:
On another note, Shane is getting braver and braver when it comes to leaving his room at night! Until recently, if he woke up in the middle of the night (or even when we put him down) and he wanted one of us, he would get out of his bed, stand in front of his (closed) door and cry - blanket and sucker in hand. He'd stand there waiting for one of us to come get him.
Yeah, no more. . .
Yesterday morning Chris and I were awoken, not by an alarm clock, but by the sound of something hitting our bedroom floor. Upon further investigation, we found Shane standing in our doorway armed with an arsenal of suckers. One by one he was tossing them into our room (probably aiming for the poor dogs alseep on their dog beds)! Then, last night, about an hour after we put Shane down to bed, Chris and I were sitting on the couch trying to catch up on the 60+ shows we've got waiting for us on our DVR. We thought we had heard something but quickly dismissed it. We were fairly certain Shane was fast asleep by now and the dogs were in the family room with us. Another few minutes into the show and again we thought we heard something. This time we decided to check things out and as soon as we walked by the pass through into the kitchen we found the culprit. Our son, in all his night time glory (pjs, blanket, sucker) was sitting on the kitchen floor playing in the tupperware drawer! So much for being fast asleep, and so much for our stealth guard dogs!
Is too late to put him back in his crib?!?!
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