Sunday, March 8, 2009

His Love For The Wiggles

I'll admit it. I LOVE photographs. I love EVERYTHING about them. They're moments. Keepsakes. They're timeless.

Video . . . video is another story. We don't shoot much of it in this house (though I'm trying to rectify that situation and actually have TONS of video from Christmas if I can ever figure out how to edit and share it!)

Aunt Kate captured this on her cell phone a month or so ago. The quality isn't the greatest and it's fairly short, but it is funny! And it's Shane. 100%, dead-on, Shane. This is Shane on a daily basis, doing what he loves to do . . .dancing and singing to the Wiggles!

And in case you have a hard time trying to figure out what he's saying, he's saying goodbye to the "wacks". As in "quack". As in duck.

Welcome into our life!

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