Say that three times fast!!!
That's the diagnosis (after biopsy) on the rash Chris had on his legs and ankles that, eventually, caused the swelling in his feet (apparently, my husband can't just get a good old fashioned rash that is taken care of with a little cortisone cream!)
Basically, that big, long, clinical name translates to "rash caused by bacterial infection". In his case, it was likely caused from the toxins that the dying tumors (from the embolization) are giving off.
A few days on 10mg of prednisone, and he was just about as good as new!
He had a follow up with the dermatologist today and after a few more doses of the prednisone, he should be good to go!
Other than the rash, he's been doing GREAT lately! Eating well, sleeping a (TINY) bit better, pain is more manageable, he's playing with Shane and my boys have even claimed back their mornings together (even if it is just 2 mornings a week right now - we'll take it!!) and he's only crawling into bed at night now! I can't even begin to describe how great it is to see Chris looking so good. He's come a long way since March 9 (day before his embolization) and I know he'll be doing even better after the second embolization is done!
We're well on our way to claiming our life back!!!!!!!
We're back to Sloan-Kettering on Thursday for a follow up CT scan and to meet with Dr. G. regarding the embolization Chris had in March and on, hopefully, scheduling the one for the left side of his liver in another week or two.
Prayers are always welcome around here!!