Monday, April 13, 2009

The Latest With Chris

Chris has had an awful rash on his legs for almost 2 weeks now. Big red spots, slightly raised, not itchy, that were finally starting to go away and then Thursday night we noticed some swelling in one of his achilles and the next morning there was a HUGE spot where the swelling had been. Both of his feet have been pretty swollen all weekend and walking is a bit difficult and painful. He did go to a Walk-in clinic on Saturday and they didn't have a clue as to what it could've been. Hopefully he'll get in to see Dressler today and get some relief.

Never a dull moment!

The irony here, is that he had a pretty great weekend otherwise! Liver pain and abdonimal pain were minimal, especially on Saturday, but he couldn't really enjoy it because of his feet! Poor guy!

We have our follow up with Sloan-Kettering next Thursday and we're still investigating what our next move will be. We'll either head back to Sloan for his 2nd embolization or head out to New Orleans to get another treatment plan reccomendation by the doctor's out there known as the "Dream Team" in the world of Carcinoid Cancer. We'll be sure to keep you all updated.

Keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

Evan said...

Oh how it pains me to see you guys having to go through so much. I wish they could find Chris's main tumor and could stop it from causing all the other issues.

Here I sit at work with no pain, no complications and really living a normal life and how blessed this makes me feel to hear of the things you guys are having to deal with. I pray that you will find the treatment that will bring Chris back to a normal life where he can enjoy every day without pain or any problems.

Take care you guys and keep in touch.
