We're counting down the days until "hoo-hoo" comes to our house and leaves toys under the tree for a certain good little boy.
2008 hasn't exactly been a banner year for us. We battled with infertility - and lost, we got a cancer diagnosis, Chris's employer had to cut back hours (and wages) due to the economic crisis and we're feeling the pinch just like everyone else - but we still feel we have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. We're still here. We still have each other, we love each other more than ever and Chris has been feeling pretty great these last few days. It's with these positive thoughts and happenings that we look forward to 2009. We hope the new year will open it's arms, welcome us in, embrace us and protect us from anything "unpleasant" that the year may have otherwise had in store for us. We're ready for a break.
But for now, we're ready for sleighbells. And the glees and wide-eyed wonder that will shine from within our 2.5 year old on Christmas morning. We're sending this year off on a high note and we're hopeful for what 2009 has in store. And we'll be sure to leave cookies and milk for that jolly man in the red suit. Cookies never hurt anyone, anyway.
Merry Christmas! We love, and are grateful for, each and every one of you.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Update To Our Update
Chris ended up seeing another dr. at the practice he goes to (Dr. D was out yesterday) and he said the pain that Chris has been feeling on the left side is still his liver - even though the pain had always been on the right side (apparently it's a LONG organ). They sent him for bloodwork this morning to see where his numbers are at.
The bloodwork from a few weeks ago came back ok (from what I understand - I wasn't at this appt - his parents went with him) and it may just be that this monthly injection isn't going to work out for him. If that's the case, he may have to go back to the 3x/day injections, or perhaps another "combination" of doseages will work - we'll just have to wait and see.
Things are still up in the air, and will be until we get the bloodwork back and Chris talks to Dr. D again. But it does all appear to be "more of the same" - which of course is far better than having it be something new.
Just keep sending those prayers his way!
Much love and appreciation. Always.
The bloodwork from a few weeks ago came back ok (from what I understand - I wasn't at this appt - his parents went with him) and it may just be that this monthly injection isn't going to work out for him. If that's the case, he may have to go back to the 3x/day injections, or perhaps another "combination" of doseages will work - we'll just have to wait and see.
Things are still up in the air, and will be until we get the bloodwork back and Chris talks to Dr. D again. But it does all appear to be "more of the same" - which of course is far better than having it be something new.
Just keep sending those prayers his way!
Much love and appreciation. Always.
Monday, December 15, 2008
This last week has been a rough one for Chris. He's spent much of his time either in bed because he was tired or lying around because he was in pain. It's tough to see him like that.
He's got an appointment with the oncologist's office this afternoon.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
He's got an appointment with the oncologist's office this afternoon.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Friday, December 12, 2008
There's nothing more peaceful and calming than a blanket of white snow - right up until you unleash 2 dogs and a toddler into that nice, fluffy, blanket anyway!
We woke up Sunday morning to our first snowfall of the season - and this year (unlike THIS from last year), Shane couldn't wait to get outside and see what it was all about!
When his eyes find the right light, they are truly AMAZING:
Our sweet little face:
We woke up Sunday morning to our first snowfall of the season - and this year (unlike THIS from last year), Shane couldn't wait to get outside and see what it was all about!
When his eyes find the right light, they are truly AMAZING:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wrapping Things Up
Just a few more from our holiday get-together over the weekend!
Dinner with the girls!!
Poor Kevin! He and Paul were such troopers though - thanks, guys!!
Mommy & Shane:

And a few from our visit to Jones' Family Farms to get our Christmas tree!
"Mama!!! Choo, Choo!!!!"
Dinner with the girls!!
And a few from our visit to Jones' Family Farms to get our Christmas tree!
"Mama!!! Choo, Choo!!!!"
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town . . .
Saturday we had our first holiday gathering of the season!
Sullivans, Finns - it's always so nice to get together with you guys. We always have SO much fun and it's great to see Shane play with all of his cousins! Thank you all for making the trip up to CT - we certainly loved having you!
Here comes Santa Claus!!
Sullivans, Finns - it's always so nice to get together with you guys. We always have SO much fun and it's great to see Shane play with all of his cousins! Thank you all for making the trip up to CT - we certainly loved having you!
Here comes Santa Claus!!
Shane wants no part of Santa - regardless of who's inside the suit!! He barely even LOOKED at him long enough to get the present that Santa had brought for him -
And when I passed Shane over to Santa so I could grab my camera, all hell broke loose!!
And the only way he would take our family picture with Santa was if we stood as far away from Santa as possible!
Santa's pretty cute, huh?!?!
He started to warm up to Santa just as things were winding down and Santa was getting ready to leave -
Santa with all of the kids - notice who's missing from the picture??

I think it's safe to say that MOST of us are looking forward to doing it again next year!!
But he still had to keep an eye on him! I don't think Shane trusted the big, jolly guy at all!
I think it's safe to say that MOST of us are looking forward to doing it again next year!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Taste Of Things To Come
An incredibly fun weekend means LOTS of new and fun pictures to share! It actually felt REALLY good to get behind the camera again. It's been a while!
I'll share pictures later in the week that show how Shane REALLY feels about Santa! But this is how Shane feels about him right before it's time for Santa to leave!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Just little things that I don't ever want to forget:
*Snowman = "NoMac"
*Man = "Mac" (go figure!)
*Santa = "HooHoo" (think owl, not Ho Ho Ho!!)
*Glass = "ass" (we ask him to say glass ALL the time now!!)
*"Catch a ball" = his new favorite saying
*Truck (has always been, and will probably always be) = "Gee"
*McDonalds and/or Eat and/or chicken nuggets and/or hungry and/or lunch and/or dinner = "dodtch" (we haven't quite figured this one out, but if "gee" is "truck" we're totally screwed!)
*He looks up in the sky for the "moon" every night as we walk to the car after I pick him up from daycare
*He tells us he's going to do "nice" to the dogs (as opposed to "not nice", which is what he normally does!) and then he'll go up to them and give them a kiss and a pat on the head (Zoe's gotten a lot of "nice"since coming home with her leg wrapped up from hip to toe!)
*He'll open the fridge to help himself to a yogurt and go into the drawer and look for "poon" (which is really a fork!). When his yogurt is done, both the container and the "poon" go into either the sink or the garbage can! (Since he figured out how to open the fridge we go through twice as much yogurt in a week and we end up having to buy new toddler flatware MUCH more often!)
*Everything is "Stuck". If he wants out of his carseat, he tells us he's "stuck". If he can't open a drawer, he tells us it's "stuck". If he can't get a book off the bookcase, it's "stuck". And if you've ever seen "Elmo Saves Christmas", then Santa is "stuck" in the chimney and Lightning is stuck in Santa's sack!
We LOVE this cutie of ours!!!
***And two posts in one day, how about that??***
*Snowman = "NoMac"
*Man = "Mac" (go figure!)
*Santa = "HooHoo" (think owl, not Ho Ho Ho!!)
*Glass = "ass" (we ask him to say glass ALL the time now!!)
*"Catch a ball" = his new favorite saying
*Truck (has always been, and will probably always be) = "Gee"
*McDonalds and/or Eat and/or chicken nuggets and/or hungry and/or lunch and/or dinner = "dodtch" (we haven't quite figured this one out, but if "gee" is "truck" we're totally screwed!)
*He looks up in the sky for the "moon" every night as we walk to the car after I pick him up from daycare
*He tells us he's going to do "nice" to the dogs (as opposed to "not nice", which is what he normally does!) and then he'll go up to them and give them a kiss and a pat on the head (Zoe's gotten a lot of "nice"since coming home with her leg wrapped up from hip to toe!)
*He'll open the fridge to help himself to a yogurt and go into the drawer and look for "poon" (which is really a fork!). When his yogurt is done, both the container and the "poon" go into either the sink or the garbage can! (Since he figured out how to open the fridge we go through twice as much yogurt in a week and we end up having to buy new toddler flatware MUCH more often!)
*Everything is "Stuck". If he wants out of his carseat, he tells us he's "stuck". If he can't open a drawer, he tells us it's "stuck". If he can't get a book off the bookcase, it's "stuck". And if you've ever seen "Elmo Saves Christmas", then Santa is "stuck" in the chimney and Lightning is stuck in Santa's sack!
We LOVE this cutie of ours!!!
***And two posts in one day, how about that??***
Oncologist Update (And Our 200th Post)
Today marks the day that Chris was oficially "taken off" his daily injection schedule and put on a monthly one!
He had his first monthly injection today and his next "needle apointment" isn't until January 2!
Dr. Dressler (we'll call him Dr. D from here on out on the blog) came in and asked how Chris was doing. We happily told him that the liver and shoulder pain he had been having was gone and Dr. D looked at us and said "That's often the best indicator that this stuff is doing it's job" - FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! He then examined Chris and as a smile spread across his face, I knew he had good news for us! Chris's liver was "NORMAL"! It had been swolen and that was now gone! He even passed the stethoscope to Chris so that he could hear what a normal liver sounds like! (Bet you didn't know a liver made any kind of sound - neither did we until today). They drew some blood to check his liver functions, but we could tell that he wasn't expecting much of anything to show up! Still, we'll breathe a LOT easier once we get those results back!
All in all - a great day today and we're happily looking forward to the holiday season that's quickly approaching!
As always, your continued prayers are wanted, and appreciated. It's VERY obvious that someone up there is listening!
Sometimes it really is the little things that make you smile!
This post marks the 200th post of our blog! Trust me when I tell you that when we started this blog a year and half ago, if someone had asked me when I thought we'd be posting our 200th post I would've said "Never!" But, life happens and those happenings need to be documented!
Looking forward to our 400th post!
He had his first monthly injection today and his next "needle apointment" isn't until January 2!
Dr. Dressler (we'll call him Dr. D from here on out on the blog) came in and asked how Chris was doing. We happily told him that the liver and shoulder pain he had been having was gone and Dr. D looked at us and said "That's often the best indicator that this stuff is doing it's job" - FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! He then examined Chris and as a smile spread across his face, I knew he had good news for us! Chris's liver was "NORMAL"! It had been swolen and that was now gone! He even passed the stethoscope to Chris so that he could hear what a normal liver sounds like! (Bet you didn't know a liver made any kind of sound - neither did we until today). They drew some blood to check his liver functions, but we could tell that he wasn't expecting much of anything to show up! Still, we'll breathe a LOT easier once we get those results back!
All in all - a great day today and we're happily looking forward to the holiday season that's quickly approaching!
As always, your continued prayers are wanted, and appreciated. It's VERY obvious that someone up there is listening!
Sometimes it really is the little things that make you smile!
This post marks the 200th post of our blog! Trust me when I tell you that when we started this blog a year and half ago, if someone had asked me when I thought we'd be posting our 200th post I would've said "Never!" But, life happens and those happenings need to be documented!
Looking forward to our 400th post!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Poor Zoe
Chris dropped Zoe off at the vet this morning so that she could be sedated so that the vet could take an x-ray of her leg.
Her ACL was completely ruptured!
The vet did the surgery and repaired her ACL and as I post this, Zoe is in the process of waking up from the anesthesia.
We're hoping she'll be able to come home tonight, but the vet tech said that they will often keep dogs overnight after an ACL repair because it is a difficult surgery to recover from.
Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for our little pup and that she's back at home with us tonight.
I see lots of lovin' in Zoe's future!!! And even though Kylee wouldn't admit it, she's home missing her sister right now!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Ten On Tuesday - Our Week In Review
1) First and foremost, today's is Chris's last day of the daily injections 3x/day! He'll meet with Dr. Dressler (our local oncologist) on Thursday and will be setup on a schedule for the monthly injections! He did great during this 2 week period, but it's starting to get to him. He's also running out of places to stick himself! 42 injections in 14 days is a lot! His poor belly has a ton of black and blue spots all over it!
2) Our poor little Zoe girl is hobbling around on 3 legs right now! She slipped on the wood floor in the family room a little over 2 weeks ago and limped for a day or two. She then seemed better for a few days and started to limp again a bit here and there. We took her to the vet a week ago and he thought everything felt okay and gave us some pills for her. This past Friday night she started limping pretty badly and has been favoring her rear, right leg pretty heavily. She's keeping it up most of the time and is hopping around on one rear leg - she's completely breaking our hearts!! Chris took her back to the vet yesterday and they want to take an x-ray. Because Zoe is so frightend at the vet's office and spends the whole time she's there trying to leave, they'll need to sedate her in order to take an x-ray and play around with her leg - so she's going back to the vet tomorrow morning for all of that. Hopefully she'll be back on 4 legs really soon!
3) We had a great Thanksgiving this year and we were able to stay local, which was nice! We hit a lot of traffic coming back from Long Island last year, so it was nice not to have to deal with that again. We were able to spend Thanksgiving at my mom's with ALMOST both of our entire families together (we missed you Aunt Trae!) which was great. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year, but we're already secretly hoping that 2009 has better things in store for us than 2008 did!
4) The day after Thanksgiving, we made our annual trip out to Jones' Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree! We even managed to select the perfect size tree this year! Normally we end up with a tree that's far too big for the spot we have to put it! Shane is still trying to figure out what a tree is doing in our family room!
5) We took Shane to see Santa a few weeks ago and for the first time he cried when we sat him down on Santa's lap! This will be his 3rd Christmas, and the first where he's starting to understand things and is actually getting into the holiday spirit - but he could do without the big, jolly guy in the red suit!
6) Shane's new favorite thing to do is to find anything shaped like a ball (it could be an apple, an ornament, an orange - he doesn't care!), throw it across the room he's standing in and then yell at one of us to "catch a ball"!!! Too cute! If we could only get him to actually try to throw the "ball" towards us, instead of away of us!
7) I finally forced myself to get a "holiday-ish" picture of Shane on Sunday and then sat down and did our Christmas cards. Certainly not my best effort, but it's a card none the less! So keep your eye on your mailbox in the coming weeks!
8) The holiday season is totally upon us! We've done NO shopping and NO baking! Normally, by now, we're done with both of these things! We do have our first holiday gathering this coming Saturday with the Sullivan and Finn clans and we couldn't be more excited! We're ready for some holiday cheer around here! There was even a rumor that Santa might stop by!!!
9) Bedtime has become a 4 letter word at our house! We start our bedtime routine around 7:30 with a bath. 3 hours later Shane is FINALLY asleep! He'll do anything and everything he can to avoid going to bed! We finally had to start putting a baby gate up in his doorway to keep him from coming out of his room (we do take it down when we go to bed so he could get to us during the night if he had to) and even this doesn't deter him! Last night I found him sitting in the rocker in his room watching his Sesame Street Christmas Carol DVD!!! Did I mention that he now knows how to use the remotes???
10) Shane LOVES to help out with the dogs lately! He helps me feed them dinner by scooping out the dry food from the bin and putting it into their bowls (and I'd be lying if I said he didn't help himself to some dry food while he was at it!) and he'll then run out into the garage and bring me in a can of wet food to mix into their bowls! He'll also let the dogs in and out of the slider when they're looking to go outside! And when HE thinks it's time for them to come back in, he'll open the slider and stand there calling for them by yelling "Woof!", "Woof!" - cutest thing ever! He doesn't call for them by name, or even by calling for "doggie". He simply calls for his "woofs!" We are SO in love with this little boy of ours!
2) Our poor little Zoe girl is hobbling around on 3 legs right now! She slipped on the wood floor in the family room a little over 2 weeks ago and limped for a day or two. She then seemed better for a few days and started to limp again a bit here and there. We took her to the vet a week ago and he thought everything felt okay and gave us some pills for her. This past Friday night she started limping pretty badly and has been favoring her rear, right leg pretty heavily. She's keeping it up most of the time and is hopping around on one rear leg - she's completely breaking our hearts!! Chris took her back to the vet yesterday and they want to take an x-ray. Because Zoe is so frightend at the vet's office and spends the whole time she's there trying to leave, they'll need to sedate her in order to take an x-ray and play around with her leg - so she's going back to the vet tomorrow morning for all of that. Hopefully she'll be back on 4 legs really soon!
3) We had a great Thanksgiving this year and we were able to stay local, which was nice! We hit a lot of traffic coming back from Long Island last year, so it was nice not to have to deal with that again. We were able to spend Thanksgiving at my mom's with ALMOST both of our entire families together (we missed you Aunt Trae!) which was great. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year, but we're already secretly hoping that 2009 has better things in store for us than 2008 did!
4) The day after Thanksgiving, we made our annual trip out to Jones' Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree! We even managed to select the perfect size tree this year! Normally we end up with a tree that's far too big for the spot we have to put it! Shane is still trying to figure out what a tree is doing in our family room!
5) We took Shane to see Santa a few weeks ago and for the first time he cried when we sat him down on Santa's lap! This will be his 3rd Christmas, and the first where he's starting to understand things and is actually getting into the holiday spirit - but he could do without the big, jolly guy in the red suit!
6) Shane's new favorite thing to do is to find anything shaped like a ball (it could be an apple, an ornament, an orange - he doesn't care!), throw it across the room he's standing in and then yell at one of us to "catch a ball"!!! Too cute! If we could only get him to actually try to throw the "ball" towards us, instead of away of us!
7) I finally forced myself to get a "holiday-ish" picture of Shane on Sunday and then sat down and did our Christmas cards. Certainly not my best effort, but it's a card none the less! So keep your eye on your mailbox in the coming weeks!
8) The holiday season is totally upon us! We've done NO shopping and NO baking! Normally, by now, we're done with both of these things! We do have our first holiday gathering this coming Saturday with the Sullivan and Finn clans and we couldn't be more excited! We're ready for some holiday cheer around here! There was even a rumor that Santa might stop by!!!
9) Bedtime has become a 4 letter word at our house! We start our bedtime routine around 7:30 with a bath. 3 hours later Shane is FINALLY asleep! He'll do anything and everything he can to avoid going to bed! We finally had to start putting a baby gate up in his doorway to keep him from coming out of his room (we do take it down when we go to bed so he could get to us during the night if he had to) and even this doesn't deter him! Last night I found him sitting in the rocker in his room watching his Sesame Street Christmas Carol DVD!!! Did I mention that he now knows how to use the remotes???
10) Shane LOVES to help out with the dogs lately! He helps me feed them dinner by scooping out the dry food from the bin and putting it into their bowls (and I'd be lying if I said he didn't help himself to some dry food while he was at it!) and he'll then run out into the garage and bring me in a can of wet food to mix into their bowls! He'll also let the dogs in and out of the slider when they're looking to go outside! And when HE thinks it's time for them to come back in, he'll open the slider and stand there calling for them by yelling "Woof!", "Woof!" - cutest thing ever! He doesn't call for them by name, or even by calling for "doggie". He simply calls for his "woofs!" We are SO in love with this little boy of ours!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We FINALLY got GOOD news yesterday!!!
The oncologist's office called and the CT scan that Chris had done of his upper chest last week came back CLEAN!!!!
That means that the cancer only appears to be in his liver (and wherever that primary tumor is hiding out)!!
Thank you all SO much for your prayers! It is obvious they are working! Please keep them coming!!!
The oncologist's office called and the CT scan that Chris had done of his upper chest last week came back CLEAN!!!!
That means that the cancer only appears to be in his liver (and wherever that primary tumor is hiding out)!!
Thank you all SO much for your prayers! It is obvious they are working! Please keep them coming!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
2.5 Year Well Visit
I took Shane to the pediatrican today for his 2.5 year well visit. Our baby is getting SO big!!
Height - 3ft (!!!!) and 3/4" - 75th percentile
Weight - 31 lbs - also 75th percentile
Head circumference - 52 - 95th percentile (he's ALWAYS had a large head!!)
He did well, especially when he got his flu shot. He shed a few tears during the exam, and after he got his shot, and he was especially "clingy" (he's at the age where he knows full well where he is) but despite all that, he did really well!
The doctor is impressed with his development, though they are still concerned about his speech. They'd like for us to consider seeing a speech therapist because he barely said anything the entire time we were with the doctor, yet the second the doctor left the room our little chatterbox was back in full swing!
We're not sure what we're going to do in regards to speech therapy. We've actually been rather impressed and pleased with his language development these last 6 months. He's saying all kinds of things now and this morning even told me "Bless You, Ma" after I sneezed! I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated, again, and I'm sure that's the route we'll end up taking.
Our little guy is growing up WAY too fast. The next time we go to the doctor he'll be THREE!!!
Height - 3ft (!!!!) and 3/4" - 75th percentile
Weight - 31 lbs - also 75th percentile
Head circumference - 52 - 95th percentile (he's ALWAYS had a large head!!)
He did well, especially when he got his flu shot. He shed a few tears during the exam, and after he got his shot, and he was especially "clingy" (he's at the age where he knows full well where he is) but despite all that, he did really well!
The doctor is impressed with his development, though they are still concerned about his speech. They'd like for us to consider seeing a speech therapist because he barely said anything the entire time we were with the doctor, yet the second the doctor left the room our little chatterbox was back in full swing!
We're not sure what we're going to do in regards to speech therapy. We've actually been rather impressed and pleased with his language development these last 6 months. He's saying all kinds of things now and this morning even told me "Bless You, Ma" after I sneezed! I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated, again, and I'm sure that's the route we'll end up taking.
Our little guy is growing up WAY too fast. The next time we go to the doctor he'll be THREE!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
If Only He Were A Drug Addict . . .
It sure would make the daily injections (x3) that much easier for him to adminster to himself!
4 injections down and 38 to go, as Chris puts it! He's doing well! He had his first injection yesterday morning at the oncologist's office and then a visiting nurse came over yesterday afternoon and last night to walk him through the process and then this morning he did it entirely on his own!
Who knew we'd ever be so excited to see Chris successfully shooting himself up! Every wife's dream, I'm sure!
The CT scan went well, too. VERY quick, which Chris liked after those 3+ hour scans a few weeks ago. I'd imagine we'd have the results back in a couple of days and hopefully we'll get good news on that front.
Keep those prayers coming!!
4 injections down and 38 to go, as Chris puts it! He's doing well! He had his first injection yesterday morning at the oncologist's office and then a visiting nurse came over yesterday afternoon and last night to walk him through the process and then this morning he did it entirely on his own!
Who knew we'd ever be so excited to see Chris successfully shooting himself up! Every wife's dream, I'm sure!
The CT scan went well, too. VERY quick, which Chris liked after those 3+ hour scans a few weeks ago. I'd imagine we'd have the results back in a couple of days and hopefully we'll get good news on that front.
Keep those prayers coming!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Clearing Hurdles
We're jumping two more hurdles this morning as we start down the new road we're traveling - and we're hoping to clear both of them with flying colors!!
This morning Chris is going in for an upper body CT scan to take a closer look at a "questionable" spot on his lung. After that he'll go back to the oncologist's office where they will administer his first Octreotide injection! This afternoon a visiting nurse will come to the house and show Chris (and Jerry!) how to administer the injections himself. He'll be giving himself 3 injections a day for 2 weeks. After that, he'll go into the oncologist's office once a month for a long lasting injection. Hopefully, he'll be feeling more like his old self in no time!
Prayers for a clear CT scan and no adverse reactions to the Octreotide would be GREATLY appreciated!
We'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. Thanks for thinking of us and for keeping us in your prayers.
This morning Chris is going in for an upper body CT scan to take a closer look at a "questionable" spot on his lung. After that he'll go back to the oncologist's office where they will administer his first Octreotide injection! This afternoon a visiting nurse will come to the house and show Chris (and Jerry!) how to administer the injections himself. He'll be giving himself 3 injections a day for 2 weeks. After that, he'll go into the oncologist's office once a month for a long lasting injection. Hopefully, he'll be feeling more like his old self in no time!
Prayers for a clear CT scan and no adverse reactions to the Octreotide would be GREATLY appreciated!
We'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. Thanks for thinking of us and for keeping us in your prayers.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bath Time Twist
Last night I go to start Shane's bath water like I do every night. Grandma Lin was in the playroom straightening up and I was in the bedroom getting his bed and pj's ready for night-night time.
I go to get Shane, so that I could get him un-dressed and get him in the tub - bedtime is a long enough process around here, so why stretch it out any longer than needed?!?!?!
Well, I found Shane alright. And this is what we saw . . .
He got in the tub, on his own, fully dressed!! Well, ALMOST!
I go to get Shane, so that I could get him un-dressed and get him in the tub - bedtime is a long enough process around here, so why stretch it out any longer than needed?!?!?!
Well, I found Shane alright. And this is what we saw . . .
He got in the tub, on his own, fully dressed!! Well, ALMOST!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Three Opinions, One Plan
Our trip to NYC yesterday proved to be very beneficial.
Not only did we meet a few additional caring, compassionate and knowledgeable doctors, specialists really, but both teams agreed completely with the diagnosis and treatment plan that we were given on Friday by our local oncologist! To us, that was fantastic news!!
The doctor's at Sloan (whom we honestly loved) even said that they've had patients with this cancer, living with it for decades - DECADES!! That this type of cancer CAN be more of a chronic illness, as opposed to a terminal one! Again - GREAT news!
We left NY feeling hopeful, which is more than you can ask for when dealing with cancer.
Now, our only goal is to get Chris to be part of the group of patients living for decades with this cancer, and we'll jump that first hurdle sometime next week when he starts his Octreotide treatment.
I know we've asked for an awful lot of prayers these last few weeks, but they're obviously working - we know all too well how much worse this could all be for us right now - but none the less, I'm asking for your continued prayers (and I'm not beyond begging either!!) Please continue to pray for Chris. Pray that he responds well to the Octreotide and that the medication works to control the disease. The goal is to either shrink the tumors or to keep them the size they are now. Pray that that happens for us. We've got a lot of life left to live, and we still plan on doing that together!
From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for your support, your prayers, your encouragement. It all means more than you could ever know. Our life took a drastic turn 2 weeks ago, and while we miss that old carefree life something awful, we know we'll adjust to this new direction - and we've got an INCREDIBLE support system behind us to help along the way. For that, we are eternally grateful.
Not only did we meet a few additional caring, compassionate and knowledgeable doctors, specialists really, but both teams agreed completely with the diagnosis and treatment plan that we were given on Friday by our local oncologist! To us, that was fantastic news!!
The doctor's at Sloan (whom we honestly loved) even said that they've had patients with this cancer, living with it for decades - DECADES!! That this type of cancer CAN be more of a chronic illness, as opposed to a terminal one! Again - GREAT news!
We left NY feeling hopeful, which is more than you can ask for when dealing with cancer.
Now, our only goal is to get Chris to be part of the group of patients living for decades with this cancer, and we'll jump that first hurdle sometime next week when he starts his Octreotide treatment.
I know we've asked for an awful lot of prayers these last few weeks, but they're obviously working - we know all too well how much worse this could all be for us right now - but none the less, I'm asking for your continued prayers (and I'm not beyond begging either!!) Please continue to pray for Chris. Pray that he responds well to the Octreotide and that the medication works to control the disease. The goal is to either shrink the tumors or to keep them the size they are now. Pray that that happens for us. We've got a lot of life left to live, and we still plan on doing that together!
From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for your support, your prayers, your encouragement. It all means more than you could ever know. Our life took a drastic turn 2 weeks ago, and while we miss that old carefree life something awful, we know we'll adjust to this new direction - and we've got an INCREDIBLE support system behind us to help along the way. For that, we are eternally grateful.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Second Opinions
Tomorrow we're off to NYC to visit with specialists at Sloan-Kettering and at Cornell.
Fingers crossed for lots of good news!!
Hopefully, after our appointments tomorrow, we can formulate a treatment plan and get the ball rolling.
Please keep those prayers coming - they're what's keeping us going.
Fingers crossed for lots of good news!!
Hopefully, after our appointments tomorrow, we can formulate a treatment plan and get the ball rolling.
Please keep those prayers coming - they're what's keeping us going.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Toot, Toot! Chugga, Chugga!
On Saturday, November 1, Chris and I took Shane to Oakdale to see:

The 4 of them came out on stage in the Big Red Car (coolest entrance ever!!):
The 4 of them came out on stage in the Big Red Car (coolest entrance ever!!):
To which Shane replied:
Disco Wiggles! Complete with Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur!!
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