Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Clearing Hurdles

We're jumping two more hurdles this morning as we start down the new road we're traveling - and we're hoping to clear both of them with flying colors!!

This morning Chris is going in for an upper body CT scan to take a closer look at a "questionable" spot on his lung. After that he'll go back to the oncologist's office where they will administer his first Octreotide injection! This afternoon a visiting nurse will come to the house and show Chris (and Jerry!) how to administer the injections himself. He'll be giving himself 3 injections a day for 2 weeks. After that, he'll go into the oncologist's office once a month for a long lasting injection. Hopefully, he'll be feeling more like his old self in no time!

Prayers for a clear CT scan and no adverse reactions to the Octreotide would be GREATLY appreciated!

We'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. Thanks for thinking of us and for keeping us in your prayers.

1 comment:

The Reichley Family said...

Hope the scan and shots went well. Tell Chris I can give him a few hints for making the contrast taste better--but not many! Mark's tried a few things for his chest CT's, but says it still tastes HORRIBLE! Praying the test is clear and the shots go well. Godspeed!