Thursday, November 6, 2008


Tomorrow is one of our first hurdles in getting around this newly formed traffic jam in the road of our life.

Tomorrow is our first appointment with a local oncologist. Tomorrow we're hoping to get more answers. We're hoping to learn what the body scans Chris had done Tuesday and Wednesday show. We're hoping to learn where the original tumor is located. We're hoping to get an idea as to where we go from here, what our next steps are.

We could really use all the prayers and positive thoughts that you can muster up and send our way. This is a big appointment for us and we're really hoping for good, encouraging news - with a speedy treatment plan to boot! (Ok, we're willing to budge on the "speedy" part in order to get the "good and encouraging" part).

My point? Please keep us in your thoughts today and tomorrow and pray for nothing but good news!

We're hoping to get through this traffic jam and back to our regular driving (although we plan on our "new" regular driving to be MUCH safer) in no time at all.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.


Regina Caschetto said...

Dear Chris-
You don't even have to ask-
They have been and will continue to be coming big time-
Prayers and good thoughts always-
Cousin Regi

Jim O'Connor said...

Hello Kris, Chris, and Shane. It's Cousin James, sorry I have been out of touch for a while. My thoughts and prayers have been about and for you all since I heard about Chris not feeling well last week. My Dad and Aunt Mary have been keeping me updated.
I know it must be fustrating, stressful, and driving you all crazy waiting for test results, hang in there.....
Chris, you are a lucky man, you have a beautiful loving Wife and a fine handsome Son, I enjoy reading and looking at your family blog and seeing what a nice family you are.
If there is anything I can do please let me know, If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, or if I'm not my ship has a Sat. phone.
Talk latter, Love James.

The Reichley Family said...

Hey Kris & Chris - Wishing you the best for a good appointment today. I was thinking of you a lot last night as I sat amid survivors at the Relay for Life rally. God brought you to this, and He'll bring you through it. You will remain in our prayers. Please keep us posted!
Karen in PA