Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
And Shane, our poor, sweet little boy, all too often lately, ends up being a "casualty" in all of this. Breaks my heart. He's 3. He should have Mommy and Daddy's undivided attention, and many times, most times, our attention is anything but undivided.
Recovery on Chris is harder this time around, I think because the two procedures were done so close together, he didn't have time to completely heal from the first go around. Watching him struggle is an internal battle for me, and lately, parts of every day find me, find us, in tears. The weight loss continues, the feet continue to swell, sleep is still hard to come by, and lately, the life is gone from his eyes. He looks like a man in desperate need of a break. A break from the pain, the treatment, the recovery. Yet we know there are a few more steps we need to walk before that break will happen. That's tough on all of us.
Chris has said that most days he feels like he's just surviving. He's not living. And it's the living part he wants to get back to -we all do - and we will, no doubt. But the road is much rockier and much longer than we had imagined.
Things we used to love to do get pushed aside to make room for the things we need to do, namely, to heal. All of us. Inside and out. My therapist tells me that it's important to not let go of the things that make us, us. The photography. The walks on the beach. The trips to the children's museum. The walks thru the park with the dogs. The family vacations. The Sunday drives. The sporting events. All the things that make our family who we are - they're the things we seem to be letting go off and it's high time we regain control and welcome these things, our things, back into our life. Perhaps that is when the healing will really begin.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Note From Our Amazing Friends & Family
Sometimes charity really does begin at home…
Christian O’Connor is suffering from Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, a battle he fights valiantly along with his wife Kristin, son Shane, family and friends.
But they need your help…
Please join us and help support the O’Connor Family at Chuck’s Steak House in Darien, CT for a Steak and Eggs Brunch and Silent Auction.
Proceeds to benefit the Christian O’Connor family.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Doing Well
Chris is doing well. Nausea is his biggest complaint, and thankfully, that has been much better the last day or so. He has some pain, but nothing unbearable, thankfully.
His sodium levels are a bit low, but nothing that they were surprised to see. All in all, he's doing well and this embolization has gone MUCH better than the last one!
His doctors are taking him off the IV today and will start him on oral pain meds. If that all goes well, and if he continues to eat and feels up to it, they may even let him go home tonight! So, we're continuting to sit it out and wait and see what happens.
In other news, our little guy officially turned 3 yesterday!!! We'll do a big birthday post for him later in the week once things have quieted down around here.
Keep those prayers coming!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Always Something
They were concerned because one of his eyes wasn't as open as the other eye and that eye was also appearing a bit red. They wanted to be sure it was nothing and so the CT scan was ordered.
I'm not sure when we'll get the results back. In my heart I don't think there's anything to worry about. He was still pretty groggy yesterday and he's always been one to do things like that with his eyes - he even watches TV that way. Still, it's something else to worry about for now!
So, prayers for clean head CT scan would be appreciated! They've been working thus far - keep them coming!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Embolization #2 - A Success!
We were told to arrive at 8am and the procedure was scheduled for 10. Chris's blood pressure, as great as it was last Thursday, has been high since his pre-surgical appointment on Monday. We were actually starting to get nervous that they would cancel us because despite the constant changes to his blood pressure medication this week, his blood pressure was still high yesterday.
When we got here this morning, his blood pressure was 159/93 - and we thought for sure that we were going to be walking back out the door. But 10 minutes later, they checked it again (in the other arm) and it was 152/84 - we were a go!
Chris and I were escorted down to the 2nd floor where the embolization would occur, and Jerry and Zita went down to the lobby to wait for me. Chris was quickly taken into the procedure room, we said our goodbyes as we each fought off tears and I went off to find his parents to wait.
Dr. G. came out around 12:30 to say that while the embolization went VERY well (YEAH!!) his blood pressure did in fact rise and they were unable to remove the catheter (at this point we were fearing a repeat of last time). But unlike last time, Dr. G. came out again 30 minutes later to say that they were able to get his blood pressure low enough to be able to remove the catheter and that they'd be moving him up to recovery shortly!
By 1:30 he was in recovery, we saw him around 3pm and while still groggy, he was MUCH more alert than he was the last time.
The best news of all . . . . Dr. G. thinks Chris may be able to go home on Sunday!! Sunday, for those of you who don't remember, is Shane's 3rd birthday! Nothing would make us happier than the spend the day together, at home, as a family! So here's to a speedy recovery!
Many thanks for all the support and prayers. They truly are what carries us through.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy Birthday To You!
Just a few more video clips of Shane, these from singing "Happy Birthday" to him on Saturday! This kid LOVES him some attention!! Is he his Daddy's boy or what!
(Both taken on "Aunt Tate's" cell phone - thanks Aunt Kate!)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Good News/Surprising News/Birthday News
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
That's the diagnosis (after biopsy) on the rash Chris had on his legs and ankles that, eventually, caused the swelling in his feet (apparently, my husband can't just get a good old fashioned rash that is taken care of with a little cortisone cream!)
Basically, that big, long, clinical name translates to "rash caused by bacterial infection". In his case, it was likely caused from the toxins that the dying tumors (from the embolization) are giving off.
A few days on 10mg of prednisone, and he was just about as good as new!
He had a follow up with the dermatologist today and after a few more doses of the prednisone, he should be good to go!
Other than the rash, he's been doing GREAT lately! Eating well, sleeping a (TINY) bit better, pain is more manageable, he's playing with Shane and my boys have even claimed back their mornings together (even if it is just 2 mornings a week right now - we'll take it!!) and he's only crawling into bed at night now! I can't even begin to describe how great it is to see Chris looking so good. He's come a long way since March 9 (day before his embolization) and I know he'll be doing even better after the second embolization is done!
We're well on our way to claiming our life back!!!!!!!
We're back to Sloan-Kettering on Thursday for a follow up CT scan and to meet with Dr. G. regarding the embolization Chris had in March and on, hopefully, scheduling the one for the left side of his liver in another week or two.
Prayers are always welcome around here!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sesame Street
We kicked things off on Friday morning with a trip to the Arena at Harbor Yards to watch us some Sesame Street Live!! Our little guy had the best time and is STILL pouring through his $12 program!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
With A Vengeance
If you haven't seen the videos of him collecting the eggs, watch those first!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Joy
(Recorded on Aunt Kate's cell phone):
The Latest With Chris
Never a dull moment!
The irony here, is that he had a pretty great weekend otherwise! Liver pain and abdonimal pain were minimal, especially on Saturday, but he couldn't really enjoy it because of his feet! Poor guy!
We have our follow up with Sloan-Kettering next Thursday and we're still investigating what our next move will be. We'll either head back to Sloan for his 2nd embolization or head out to New Orleans to get another treatment plan reccomendation by the doctor's out there known as the "Dream Team" in the world of Carcinoid Cancer. We'll be sure to keep you all updated.
Keep us in your prayers!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Getting Out
A few weeks ago we busted out and played out in the yard one night after work. This swing set may have taken 4 adults (+ 2 more to watch Shane!) an entire weekend to put together, but it was worth the effort! Shane LOVES the thing!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Call For Help
Ideally, I'm looking for things that can quickly and easily be thrown together the night before and that Chris can toss into the oven an hour or two before Shane and I get home.
Good,wholesome meals that are easy on the digestive system. In other words, nothing too spicey, no raw veggies, and no super thick cream sauces. Protein is our top priority (that, and it has to be yummy enough for an almost 3 year old to eat)!
We'd welcome any ideas or recipes you have! Feel free to email them to me at
We'll be forever in your debt!!
On The Road (Again?)
But as luck would have it, your condo sold at just the right moment, for 5 days later would find Chris in the ER and a week after that would find us with a cancer diagnosis. We hope you both know how much we appreciated (and needed) your support at that time. How great it was to come home from that fateful doctor appointment to hear you say you'd be staying with us for a while, to know that we weren't alone.
We're extremely grateful to both of you for all you've done for us these last 6 months. I think it's pretty safe to say that we wouldn't be where we are today without the support and the sacrifices you gave, and made, for us. There are no words to express our gratitude to you for giving up your own lives for 6 months to guarantee the safety and well being of ours.
While you are (finally!) making your way down to Florida today to re-start your life, know how much you're missed up here. And know we're okay. And that we'll continue to be okay.
With much love and appreciation . . . .
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Earning His Keep
Aunt "Sue-bus", I suppose this will be going into your "book"???!!! :-)
Helping Papa:
Monday, April 6, 2009
A (New) Old Favorite
A Boy & His Dogs
In the interest of full disclosure, when I was pregnant with Shane, Chris and I were a bit concerned about how the dogs, especially Zoe, would react to having a baby in the house. I mean, our girls had been our babies all along, right until we were blessed with a little blue bundle of our own.
Both Kylee and Zoe are rescue dogs, and both have their "issues". Not knowing what their full backgrounds are made it difficult to envision how they'd handle having a little one around. Kylee has to be the center of attention at all times, so naturally, we were concerned about how she would handle playing second fiddle for a while! And Zoe, poor Zoe. She was abused by her previous owner and has always been skittish around strangers - mainly men and children.
But, from the moment we brought our little guy home, our girls took to him like glue! Sure they have their moments when they've had enough of him and I'm sure they're wishing he'd just disappear for a while (don't all siblings?!), but ultimately, they love him - immensely. They've taken him in like he's one of their own and Chris and I couldn't be happier!
Friday, April 3, 2009
A Day At The Park
Often, on the weekends, we'll take a stroll up to the school and let Shane run around in the ball fields behind the school or play on the playground equipment for a while. It's a good way to get us all out of the house for a bit.
These snapshots were taken about a week and a half after Chris's embolization. Standing completely upright was still a bit tough for him and he was still in some considerable pain, but still - he knew getting out of the house would be good for him - and he was right! We all had a fantastic time playing at the school, as usual!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
He started with a runny nose on Tuesday morning and after a bad night of sleep Tuesday night, we knew something was up - so we made the call to schedule an appointment for an ear check. Sure enough, left ear was infected!
After a few rounds of antibiotics yesterday, and an earful of the "numbing drops" that the pedi gave us, our little guy had a much better afternoon and night and was doing better already when he woke up this morning. Apparently, dull moments aren't allowed in our house!!
I've got tons of photos at home waiting to be edited, but thought I'd share these 2 quick snaps from Aunt Kate's birthday on Sunday. Our kid is such a ham!!
This kid L-O-V-E-S attention!! (Have I mentioned just how much he is his father's son??!!) Anytime anyone sings the "Happy Birthday" song, Shane is convinced it's for him - even if he's in another room. See how much he eats this stuff up!!!
Aunt Trae, it was great to have you here for a few days - we're SO glad you made the trip, despite being sick - what a trooper!!! Shane had a fantastic time and there's no doubt that he's going to miss you - we all will! Hope you have a safe flight home and we're already looking forward to your next visit!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Better Already
And here's some proof (taken on St. Patrick's Day)! Looking good just one week after the embolization! Now we just need to get some weight back on him!
We had a house full of company yesterday, otherwise my new "blog promise" would've gotten under way a day sooner!
Here's a few more snapshots from St. Patrick's Day. $5 to anyone who can successfully explain to Shane that his electronic ride-on is an outdoor toy only . . .
Monday, March 30, 2009
Back In The Saddle
While I would certainly give anything to have Chris NOT be out of work on disability right now, the extra time with him at night is priceless - I didn't realize how much I missed having him around at night during the week. Family time is awesome! BUT, more family time means less free time, and less free time means less blog time!
So - to Aunt Kate - HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY!! to Aunt Trae - Welcome Back to CT!!!
We're all doing REALLY well, Chris included! Pain is present, but is becoming more localized and every day I'm seeing more and more of the man I married (how I've missed him . . .) We're still looking into different options for treatment (I'm still after the cure!) and we're taking each day as it comes.
Life really is beautiful. And valuable. You realize what's most important to you when someone threatens you with the possibility of taking it all away. Lucky for us, we refuse to let it be taken.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Chris is feeling, and doing, better every day. There's still pain, but that's to be expected for a while. The light is back in eyes. No, no. Scratch that. The LIFE is back in his eyes and it's SO good to see. He's not spending all day in bed anymore. His fast-acting pain medication is being used less and less often. He's eating a little bit more than before. There's a new sense of hope in our house for the first time in months and we're holding on tight with both hands!
Keep those prayers coming!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Celebrating You
It still seems like only yesterday that you were wobbling around on two unsteady little legs as you pushed your "walkabout" up and down the length of the playroom, teaching yourself to walk. It seems like just last week that I snapped that picture of you sitting in your highchair with a face covered in spaghetti sauce and the devil's look in your eyes and smile! It seems like just then, but it was long ago.
There are days when it's difficult for me to look back at the baby you once where, knowing you never will be again. Those are the days when it hurts my heart to realize just how quickly you are growing up, how soon your first day of school will be upon us, complete with your first lunch box and first real friend.
There are days (most days) when my heart breaks to think that you may really be my only baby. That it may really just be you. Baby boy, my precious baby boy, trust me when I tell you it's not that you're not enough for me (for I consider myself the luckiest mom in the world to have you), it's just that this isn't something I ever wanted for you. I wanted so much more for you. I never wanted for you to be an only child. I wanted to give you your best friend, your built-in playmate, your companion with which to walk through life. But I'm realizing, slowly, that life may have other plans in store for us. And in my heart, I know that that will be okay too. For you, Shane Patrick, you are the flame on my candle, on our candle, and you are all the light we need.
But still, looking back and realizing the details of the moments that have already slipped through my mind, I'm glad to have this blog, this comfort place for me. It's good to have a place to come back to, to be with the you that you once were - on the days when my heart is strong enough to visit there.
And so today I celebrate you. The you you are today. The you at almost 3 years old. My silly little boy who has found a new fondness in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The you that asks for "two treats" at bedtime; "two nanas. two puffs. two fishies" The you that makes my heart melt at the end of the day when you first catch a glimpse of me as I walk in to pick you up from daycare and how your face lights up enough to brighten even the darkest room. The you that still loves to dance and "sing" to the Wiggles; the you that knows which song, which dance step, is next - long before it comes. The you that wants to play in the pool, outside, even though it's only March.
The you that will still climb up in my lap on the occassional night for a few minutes of cuddle time before you drift off to sleep. Those are still my favorite moments. Sometimes I think you give them to me just to please me. Thank you.
Thank you for being you. And thank you for giving me so many reasons to celebrate you. To celebrate life.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Better Every Day
In many ways, he's a new man.
It's obvious that the embolization has been a success! While he's still having severe pain in his liver, this time the pain is a "healing pain", a "the tumors are shrinking" kind of pain, it's a good pain this time. He's able to eat without having pain and nasuea. His body doesn't hurt all over anymore. His blood pressure is becoming steady and his BP meds have been decreased again. He's awake more than 30 minutes at a time. He can eat an entire can of Beefaroni (I know, I know, but he needs to GAIN weight, remember!!) without getting sick. His liver used to be hard as rock before this procedure, you could actually feel the outline of it just by running your hand over his abdomen - here we are, just a week later, and his liver is already so much softer!! He's a man on the mend and we're SO thankful to the Dr's at Sloan-Kettering for giving Chris his life back!
We're actually looking forward to meeting with Dr. G at the end of April to see the progress and to schedule the embolization for the left side of his liver. We're actually excited to go through this again, because while traumatizing in so many ways, we can ALREADY see the benefit in it and we're eager to have that clean slate, even if just for a few years. It's good to know that his liver should never again get to be as bad as it was. This is a new starting point for us. We're hoping this is the turn in events that we've been (not so) patiently waiting for.
We're ready to take back our life. We're ready to enjoy the summer lounging around in the backyard with our son. We're anxious to drive into Manhattan for PLEASURE, not for a Dr. appt! Today may very well be the first day of the rest of our life!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Better Day
His blood pressure is stable (139/84) though they do have him on 400mg of BP medication 3x/day! They're hoping to start weaning him off of that today.
He's in some pain, but it's tolerable. He was also feeling a bit nauseous this morning, but an IV drip of Reglan quickly took care of that problem! We even walked the halls for a few minutes this morning!
Dr. G has stopped by already to say again how pleased he is with the results already. Every bit of tumor on the right side of his liver is dead! He said he just really couldn't be happier and that he wants to do the left side in 6 weeks or so if Chris is feeling up to it. He wants to get the left side done before it gets as out of hand as the right side was.
So, the goal today is to wean Chris down on the BP meds, wean him off the pain pump, get him eating and get him walking. If we can manage to do all of that than maybe we really can get out of here tomorrow!
We'll continue to keep everyone posted. Please continue to keep Chris in your prayers.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The catheter in his artery finally came out around noon and while we were down in interventional radiology having that done, Dr. G. stopped me to say how pleased he was already with the looks of the CT scan they did of his liver this morning. He was really excited about the difference in the tumors already, and it hadn't even been 24 hours yet! He was so pleased he was telling everyone on the floor how well things were going!!! He also said he couldn't wait to show Chris and I the difference in the before and after scans at our next clinical appointment with him in early April! This news alone makes up for all the turmoil in the last 36 hours!!!
Right now the goal is to monitor his blood pressure and his pain. If all goes well and they're able to get a handle on both, then they'll let him go home on Friday, that's the soonest they'll let him out. So we'll see. We're both missing our little guy like crazy and we're anxious to get him back in our arms where he belongs!
Thank you for all the prayers, calls, support and good thoughts over the last few days. They mean a lot to us. Keep them coming!
Long Day
I'm not so happy to say that the procedure didn't go as well as they'd like. There were a few complications related to his blood pressure and yesterday turned into a very long and stressful day.
About 90 minutes after I left Chris in the procedure room, Dr. G came out to say that Chris's blood pressure was 200/130 and that they were having a hard time controlling it. They finally wheeled him back up to recovery at around 1:45. They wouldn't let us in to see him until 6. that was an incredbily long 5 hours. In that five hours they tried every medication possible, and still his blood pressure was 190/120. FINALLY, they started an IV drip, and the next time we saw him, at 8, his pressure was down to 139/90. At that point, we went out and grabbed a quick dinner and got back to Chris's side around 10. His BP was the same at that point and he was going to be riding out the night in recovery.
The other component here is that his blood pressure skyrocketed before they were able to remove the catheter from his artery. This was the catheter from which they did the embolization. Once his blood pressure became so elevated, it wasn't safe to remove the catheter without putting Chris's life at risk. Because of the catheter, he has to remain flat on his back and not move. His leg is actually in an immobilizer. The hope is that his blood pressure would've gotten low enough overnight to be able to remove the catheter this morning. After the catheter is removed, he'll go back to recovery for a few hours and will then finally make his way into a room.
This is all uncommon for embolization procedures. While it is common for a patients blood pressure to become elevated during/after the procedure, it's not common for it to take so long for it to come back down. Embolization patients don't normally spend longer than 4 hours in recovery, let alone the entire night. That's my husband, never doing anything the easy way!
When we left him last night he was still pretty groggy from the anesthesia and all the medications. He was complaining of his mouth being dry (they don't want him to have anything to drink while he's lying flat on his back and still so groggy), but he was having some ice chips to combat that problem. His biggest complaint, by far, was the back pain he was experiencing from having to lie flat on his back for all this time. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to be able to get up and move around once this catheter is removed.
All in all, it was a long, stressful, day - but it's over and this emoblization should help Chris immensely with the pain and discomfort he's been having. These last few weeks haven't been easy for us and we're looking forward to a turn of events!!
I'll be heading back up to the hospital in an hour or so and will post another update as soon as I'm able, possibly even later this morning/early afternoon.
Please keep the prayers coming. Prayers for a speedy recovery and for the embolization to have been a success!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Oh, What The Heck
Here's one more video clip!
That makes 3 posts in one day! Two with video and one with 10+ photos!
How's that for making up for lost time?!
His Love For The Wiggles
I'll admit it. I LOVE photographs. I love EVERYTHING about them. They're moments. Keepsakes. They're timeless.
Video . . . video is another story. We don't shoot much of it in this house (though I'm trying to rectify that situation and actually have TONS of video from Christmas if I can ever figure out how to edit and share it!)
Aunt Kate captured this on her cell phone a month or so ago. The quality isn't the greatest and it's fairly short, but it is funny! And it's Shane. 100%, dead-on, Shane. This is Shane on a daily basis, doing what he loves to do . . .dancing and singing to the Wiggles!
And in case you have a hard time trying to figure out what he's saying, he's saying goodbye to the "wacks". As in "quack". As in duck.
Welcome into our life!
Family First
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
He goes back to Sloan tomorrow morning to meet with a MD there about his blood pressure, but it looks like we're heading in the right direction!
We'll continue to keep everyone posted. Keep those prayers coming!
Friday, February 27, 2009
No See Mama
Example 1:
"Shane, where's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD?"
"No see, Mama, no see"
Example 2:
"Shane, where's the sippy cup you're holding?"
"No see, Mama, no see"
He's a little smarty pants this one! He's figuring out just which buttons he can push and get away with.
I swear, sometimes, you can almost see the devil in his eye!
He's our comic relief these days. We'd be lost without our little guy!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Best Laid Plans
Right now, we're hoping to re-schedule the procedure in a few weeks. We also have an appointment with a Dr. at Sloan-Kettering on March 4 to talk about how to get his BP down for good this time so that this doesn't happen again.
We thank all of you for your prayers and good wishes yesterday and all we can do is hope you'll offer them again when we re-schedule. We'll keep you all posted.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The First Day Of Forever
Friday, February 20, 2009
Getting Through The Road Blocks
Chris went into NY on Tuesday for his pre-op appointment and to meet with the interventional radiologist that will be doing his embolization on Wednesday. Chris felt very comfortable with the Dr. and liked him a great deal. He's pretty pumped to be able to do this procedure on Chris, being that he's so young. He said he'll really be able to help him out and, as a doctor, that's what he strives for.
On Wednesday, they'll do the right side of his liver and he'll then go back in about 3 months to have the left side done.
We have, however, hit a little bit of a bump (surprise, surprise - I know!). Since our Feb. 2 appointment with Dr D. Chris's blood pressure has been up (150/100 - 170/100) and Sloan won't do the embolization procedure on him with his BP that high. They wanted to get him in to see a cardiologist on Tuesday, but couldn't fit him into anyone's schedule. In the interest of saving ourselves another trip to NY, I called Dr. D's office and they recommended a local cardiologist for us to see. So, I gave them a call and we saw the cardio on Wednesday afternoon. They ran a few baseline tests, gave us a prescription for BP medication and then had us schedule a follow up on Monday (2/23) for an echocardiogram (ultrasound) and BP re-check. If the meds have done their job (which they doctors seem to think will happen) then Chris will be all set for Wed, but, if his BP is still high and can't be regulated in 2 days, then we may have to reschedule - but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. Right now, we're all optimistic that Wednesday will be a "go"!
Also, we did get the results back from the stomach biopsy that the GI doc did during Chris's endoscopy last week, and it did come back as a carcinoid (tumor). There is a chance that this could be the primary tumor, but more likely it's probably spread. Still, we're looking good and we'll address that tumor after the embolization procedure next week.
Keep those prayers coming - prayers for strength and prayers for healing. They're the fuel that's keeping us going!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
From Shane's Mouth To God's Ears
But last night, unlike every night, Shane beat me to it. I turned away from the bed for a moment to get something off his dresser and as I turned back around, Shane was lying on his belly, on his bed, with his little 2 year old hands folded in front of him. And then I heard the most beautiful words he's ever said:
"Dada, pease, no more boo-boos"
I'm hoping that prayer took an express ride on an Angel's wing, right on up to God.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Embolization Is A Go!
The procedure is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25 at Sloan. He'll spend a few days in the hospital and will hopefully be coming home sometime that weekend.
Fingers crossed that things continue to go well and that the good news keeps on coming!
Dr. Meng also gave Chris a prescription for anti-nasuea medication when we were there on Wednesday, which seems to be helping a bit with all of his stomach discomfort! More good news, but we're going to continue holding out until he's completely pain free before we start throwing our hats up in the air!!
What a difference a week can make . . .
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It's Been A Good Week
Dr. Meng did send Chris for a "detailed" liver CT scan up at the main hospital. This scan will let the interventional radiologists at Sloan know if Chris a candidate for a procedure call a hepatic embolization. Essentially, it's a procedure that stops the blood flow to the tumors in the liver. The idea is that without blood, the tumor's can't continue to grow. The hope is that the tumors will begin to shrink and will also prevent new tumors from growing for a good period of time.
They also gave Chris a prescription for an anti-nausea medication, which we're hoping will help with his stomach pain/discomfort, which is still his biggest complaint.
Both Dr. Meng and Dr. D. feel that the stomach issues could be a side effect from the monthly injections he's been receiving. Dr. Meng suggested lowering the dosage of that monthly shot to see if that helps to alleviate some of Chris's symptoms.
So, all in all, this has been a good week for us! The biggest reason for that is due to the amazing support system we have in all of you and due to all of the prayers you've been sending up for Chris. We can't thank you enough for them and hope that you'll keep them coming!
Our next steps are waiting on the stomach biopsy results from the Endoscopy on Tuesday and waiting to hear if Chris is an embolization candidate. From there, we'll figure out our next steps to getting Chris feeling A LOT better, and back on track to that long, happy, normal life that we plan on living together!!
***And on a side note, if you've been wondering where all the pictures have been lately, my adorable toddler dropped my camera and shattered my 50mm lens last week. Having to go back to using the kit lens makes my heart weep. I suppose I'll eventually suck it up and throw that bad boy back on my camera, but until that 50mm has been replaced, photos might be a bit scarce for a little while!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The good news is that the small intestines were clear!
There was some inflammation in the stomach, that, really, could be any number of things (including cancer), so they biopsied it and we should know more by the end of the week.
Tomorrow we're off to Sloan Kettering in NYC to see Dr. Meng again. We'll figure out what our next steps are in regards to treatment to keep those liver tumors from growing any more and we'll see what they can make (if anything) from the pictures/reports from today.
Continued prayers are welcomed always!
We'll be sure to update you all and let you know how tomorrow goes.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Our Visit With The GI Doc
Dr. Levine said it may be tumor growth, but it may also be an ulcer or a number of other things.
We'll let you know what happens on Tuesday.
Please keep keeping Chris in your prayers!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
While it wasn't the best news, it could certainly be much worse.
There is some progression within the liver. In addition to that, the scan also showed some thickening of the small intestine. This may or may not be related to the cancer, but it is what's been causing Chris all the pain and it's also what has been making eating difficult for him.
So, the plan now is to see the GI doctor on Friday to address the thickening in the intestine. See if he can tell us what it is and how to fix it. Then, Dr. D. suggested we follow up with Sloan Kettering again so that we can find a way to stop the tumor growth in his liver. We are tentatively scheduled to go back to Sloan next Wednesday. We'll take it from there.
Continued prayers and good thoughts would be welcomed.
Thank you all for being our continued support system.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Our Visit With Dr. D.
While we were there, Chris also told Dr. D about the stomach problems he's been having. Pain when he eats, feeling bloated afterwards, etc. Dr. D. said it sounds like something is blocking his stomach, and while it could be a number of things, the two most likely would be a bowel obstruction or disease progression.
Chris is going for a CT scan this afternoon and we're meeting with the GI doctor on Friday morning. I imagine we'll have the results of the CT scan before then, however.
Please keep Chris in your prayers this afternoon, and throughout the week. We'll be sure to keep you all updated.
Many thanks and much love.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Never A Dull Moment
Chris had a rough couple of days on Sunday and Monday, but I think we're finally on the upswing now.
It was this time last month that he had a few really bad days, too. Could just be a coincidence, or not, but we're taking note.
His stomach really bothers him a lot of the time, he has a hard time eating. We've made an appointment for next Friday with the GI doctor that Chris saw back in October when all of this started, hopefully he'll have some suggestions for us. We're going to consult with a nutritionist as well, and see what they have to say.
We go back to see Dr. D. on Monday for his next monthly injection and we'll run everything by him as well.
It's rough seeing him so down and out. The stomach/digestive issues just take a lot out of him - and I'm sure the stress he's feeling about his job doesn't help matters either.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. We're still just three months into this and we're still trying to figure it all out. The prayers are good all around - body, mind and spirit - so keep them coming!!
Much love and appreciation . . .
Friday, January 23, 2009
Shane's First Hockey Game
A few weeks ago Dr. D's office called all 3 numbers that they had for us, trying to track us down. Let me tell you it's a bit nerve wracking when you realize your oncologist has called every number in the chart trying to find you! When we finally got in touch with each other we were relieved to hear that they were calling to offer us Dr. D's seats to the Soundtigers/Wolfpack game that Saturday! Dr. D. is the internist for the Soundtigers team, that is based in Bridgeport, they're the "minor league" team for the NY Islanders. As it turned out, this night they were playing the "minor league" team for the NY Rangers, the Hartford Wolfpack - how could we not go?!?!
So, at 6:30 at night, in the middle of a snow storm, we loaded our little family into the car and took off for the arena.
I think Shane's favorite part was watching the zambonie's clean the ice!! But we all had a great time and we were able to stay until 1/2 way through the 2nd period when Shane started to get tired (and cranky!)
Thanks, GramZ, for letting us take your point-and-shoot, so that we could capture these memories!!
Shane - in awe! Notice our first row seats!!!