Friday, September 21, 2007

Somebody up there LOVES us

I called the vet yesterday. Twice. Got GOOD news! Kylee's tumor is benign!! It was actually a hematoma (which, unfortunately, we're a little too familiar with in this family). The vet tech said it was likely caused by a previous injury and had just become aggravated. Surgery should've taken care of it and Ky should be good as new in a few more weeks once those stitches dissolve. Thank GOD! We owe the "Big Guy".

Off to the Big E tomorrow! We're probably crazy to even think about going on a Saturday, but we really can't afford to take another vacation day and we'd really like to go. Should be fun! Maybe they'll have a special treat for Ky!

On another note entirely, Shane has changed his sleep schedule again - this time for the better! He's going down a little later - around 8pm, but he's sleeping until 7:30 or so which is SO nice! And he's still even taking his usual 90 minute morning nap! Way to go little guy!

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