Monday, March 24, 2008

Stepping Stones

As a reward for being such a good helper Saturday morning while we finished up with the chores around the house, we spent the early part of the afternoon at Stepping Stones, a children's museum in Norwalk.

Once we figured out that Shane was feeling a little intimidated by all the big kids around and then went into the "Toddler Terrain" area (where you have to be 3 or under to play) he had a fantastic time!

In the water play area . . LOVE the little capes they have for the kids to help keep them dry! (Notice him holding onto his Daddy's finger??!!!)

Still not wanting to leave Daddy's side . .

Racing cars with Daddy!
At this point we go into "Toddler Terrain" - he had no problem leaving our side and we practically had to drag him out kicking and screaming when it was time to leave!!

Playing "hide 'n seek" . . .

Crawling in . . .

Checking things out . . .

And crawling out . . .He could NOT get enough of the slide!! He yelled "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee" every time he went down!

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