Monday, April 21, 2008

Dairy Queen King

So daycare was closed last week and Aunt Kate has the week off from student teaching, so she was the lucky winner and got to spend the week with Shane!

During the week she discovered Shane's love for chocolate milkshakes. This is something none of us knew existed because this kid isn't really into sweets at all.

However, put a chocolate milkshake in front of him and he goes to town. He stands on the chair to get enough "leverage" and he places one hand on each side of the cup on the table to stablize himself. You'd think he'd been doing this for years!

And he's off . . . . .
Time out for a breathe or two!
And then right back at it!
Needless to say we won't be driving by Dairy Queen anytime soon! We don't need Shane to think that chocolate shakes are part of everday life!

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