Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Shane-isms

"no toucha me, woof" = "listen dogs, leave my food alone"

rock-a-do-do = cockadoodledoo (from The Wiggles)

nomac gee = snowplow (don't ask!)

bye,bye car - ba? = "can we go for a ride in the car so I can watch Bob (the Builder)?"

"back night-night" = "I want to go back to bed so I can lay around like a prince and watch Toy Story all day"

Anything that has four legs and isn't a dog or a cat, is still a cow (or a pig) - and it still says "moo", unless it's a pig - then it says "pig".

Any time he falls or gets hurt (whether there's a boo-boo there or not), he'll tell us "boo, boo. Cars? Me?"= "I have a new boo-boo and I need a "Cars" band-aid so I can pull the backing off, look at it, stick it on my hand for a minute, pull it back off my hand, throw it out and then blame the whole things on the dogs, okay?"

Anytime either of us brushes our teeth we here "ME! TEETH!!". Could even be from across the house. Damn that noisy electric toothbrush!

****Hands off, folks! He's all ours!!!!****

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey oc.glad to see some smiles there.hussey and sauer and the boys asking how you doing,im keeping the boys in da wood updated.hang tough there bro,always in our thoughts.vals going for more surgery feb 9th,fusing the ankle.hopefully it will reduce her pain.keep in touch,call me sometime,im working days now,im getting my own building to run,east kindergarten on feb 9th also.the ups and downs,ride em out.take care.