Monday, January 14, 2008

Better Blogging in 2008

Ok, so I wasn't so great at keeping this blog updated in 2007. My goal for 2008 is to make a conscious effort at updating this blog on a regular basis. I really want to have this blog be a record of our life together as a family, and that isn't going to happen if I don't write it!

Shane is 20 months old now. Totally amazing to me that time can go by so quickly. He's so smart and so fun and so cute - I am completely in love with this age. Sure he's also crazy and into everything -but it's incredible to see him develop and figure things out while he's exploring. I can almost see his brain working and it completely sucks me in.

Shane's having a "mommy phase" right now. All Mommy, all the time. Secretly, I love it. I love that he not only needs me, but wants me, as much as he does. It warms my heart. I know the day will come when he'll want little to do with me, so I'm cherishing these moments and these days while I have them. I cried leaving for work this morning because it was 9 hours that I was going to be away from him and away from him wanting me. It made me very sad.

Our little guy is having a rough time falling asleep at night. Two weeks ago it was taking us 3 hours to get him down and we would end up having to go for a ride or two to get him to either fall asleep in the car or to become drowsy enough to fall right to sleep once we put him in his crib. At the suggestion of our pediatrician, I've pulled the chair in his room over so that it is right smack next to the crib. I sit in there with him while he falls asleep at night. The first night didn't go very well, at all, but now he lays there quitely and drifts off to sleep in 30-45 minutes. And I'm lucky enough to get to sit there and watch it. I'll miss these days when he's older.

Christmas update, and pictures, to come tomorrow!

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