Friday, January 25, 2008

Birth to Three

Two (very nice) women from the CT Birth to Three program came out today to evaluate Shane to see if he would qualify for services for his (probable) speech delay.

After an hour of playing with Shane and asking us questions, they came to the conclusion that he, in fact, does NOT qualify. To qualify for services you either need to have a significant delay in one area or a slight delay in two areas. The conclusion was that he does have a slight delay in expressive communication, but in all other areas, he's "scoring" age-appropriately.

It's good to know, that for the most part, he's where he should be. They feel he will talk when he's ready. And if we're still concerned in another three months, we can request another evaluation.

I think Chris and I were both pretty surprised to see how thorough the evaluation was and how sincere the evaluators seemed (the state and their services don't always score high marks!) We were even given a pamphlet for a "follow up service". Questionnaires will be mailed to us every few months until Shane turns 5. They will ask about progress and his current state of development. We will even receive tips, projects, suggestions and activities on things that we could do with Shane at that point in time to help with the next stage of development.

Very impressed.

We'll see what happens in the next three months.

Until then, let's hope Shane's list of words continues to grow:
Dis (this)
Deeeeeeeeee (dog)
Geeeeeeeeee (truck, or really, anything that moves and is bigger than a car)

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