Friday, February 22, 2008

Pillow Talk

Shane started sleeping with a pillow in his crib this week. When he actually falls asleep with his head (and not his feet) on the pillow, it's seriously the cutest thing you'd ever want to see. He's really looking like he's starting to outgrow his crib. We've got his "big boy bed" upstairs waiting for him. We went and bought it a few months ago when we were (still are) having sleep issues. We do think Shane's ready for the bed, and that he'd like it. But Mommy and Daddy aren't. We'd like a few more months of "confinement" before the battle begins!

Notice the netting around his crib??? That's his crib tent. It's what keeps SpiderMan inside of the crib. This is the reason the bed will continue to wait for Shane in storage upstairs!

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