Friday, June 20, 2008

5 On Friday

A lot of really great blogs that I visit do something similar to what I'm calling "5 On Friday".

Essentially, it's 5 little "tidbits" from our week. Things that happened, things that were said, memories we want to keep.

I'll be posting "5 On Friday" every Friday from here on out. Hope you enjoy!

1). Shane's favorite new word is still "garage" (only he pronounces it without the "ga"). Every day after daycare when I reach up to hit the button on the garage door opener a little tantrum erupts from behind me. I turn around and Shane is reaching for the button to. Yelling "door" "rage" the entire time. Apparently he wants to press the button, the magical button, that opens the garage door. Once I pull the car into the garage and we're all safely inside (can't you just imagine Shane closing the door ON the car??) I hand him the remote. He gets a huge smile on his face and proceeds to hit the button that closes the garage door. He continue to yell "rage" until I get him out of the car and into the house. Good times!

2). Chris has started the annual countdown to his birthday. Ok, so really he started it about 3 months ago, but now that he's down to one week it's become serious business. Chris's birthday takes top priority in our house! Every year! The celebration lasts at least a month!

3). Shane loves running around in his diaper (funny, because his father loves to do the same thing!) He gets out of bed in the morning and if he slept with some kind of shorts/pants on, they're off. Immediately. Usually before he even eats breakfast. And when we get home from daycare in the afternoon, not long after he's eaten his dinner, they come off again. School ought to be a real hoot with this kid!

4). Shane wants to go "bye bye" all the time. He sees a door and he wants to exit it. He loves to stand at the door that goes out into the "rage" and tug on the door knob. He also loves to do this first thing in the morning. How exactly do you explain to a 2 year old that Mommy and Daddy need to have their morning coffee before they're even capable of walking out that door? Also, how do explain that everyone needs to keep their pants on once we actually do walk through it?

5). I think my son has a foot fettish. Honestly. He has this thing about taking off my shoes, getting down on the ground and SMELLING my feet! And trust me when I say that I don't have very nice smelling feet. He'll do this 2 or 3 times in a row and each time he "comes up for air" he has this look about him as if he'd just seen Santa Claus. It truly is the funniest thing.

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