Monday, June 23, 2008

"Where Is Daddy's Hiney?"

Cute story.

When Shane was an infant, every night before his bath we would get him undressed and while taking off his diaper I'd keep saying "We're going to find your hiney!" and "Where is Shaney's hiney?" and once the diaper was off, we'd playfully slap his bottom and go take a bath.

Now that Shane's a toddler, we get him undressed, take of his diaper and ask him where his hiney is. He now reaches behind and slaps his own little hiney - seriously the cutest thing ever.

Until this weekend.

Late Sunday morning we were all getting ready to go next door to celebrate Brooke's 9th birthday. Shane and I were playing in the playroom as Chris was getting ready to get into the shower. On his way into the bathoom, I caught Shane looking at Chris. So I said to Shane "Where's Daddy's hiney?", much to my surprise he ran over to Chris and slapped his hiney! He then turned and ran back to me laughing with a huge smile on his face!

Of course I thought this was the funniest thing in the world and I think I asked Shane 3 or 4 more times where Daddy's hiney was, and sure enough, each time he ran into the bathroom to slap Daddy's hiney!!!

Mommy can be so mature sometimes!

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