Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bath Time Twist

Last night I go to start Shane's bath water like I do every night. Grandma Lin was in the playroom straightening up and I was in the bedroom getting his bed and pj's ready for night-night time.

I go to get Shane, so that I could get him un-dressed and get him in the tub - bedtime is a long enough process around here, so why stretch it out any longer than needed?!?!?!

Well, I found Shane alright. And this is what we saw . . .

He got in the tub, on his own, fully dressed!! Well, ALMOST!
Complete with ONE sneaker on!

That's our boy!!!!

1 comment:

Regina Caschetto said...

Dear Kristin-
Thank God that you are so good always keeping a camera at hand-
How absolutely cute is this-
Thank you so much Shane for putting such smiles into my life-
Love always-
Cousin Regi
P.S.Shane's hair is such a great color.