Friday, November 7, 2008


We met with our local oncologist this morning and while the news wasn't as good as we would've liked, it certainly wasn't worse case scenario either. But really, the only news we wanted to hear was that this was all a huge mistake and that they were sorry!!! So all in all, we're considering ourselves lucky.

Essentially, this is just not something that we can cure. The good news, if there is ever good news when it comes to cancer, is that the oncologist we met with today is hopeful that we can control this cancer with monthly injections of a drug called Octreotide and that Chris will lead a long, normal life. How long? They don't know. Which is the worst part about all of this. This cancer will be following us around the rest of our lives, but at least we were told to continue living that life as normally as we are now. Obviously there are some changes ahead of us. No more drinking or smoking. We'll be making dietary changes going forward. And perhaps the biggest change, or adjustment, for us is getting used to the idea that Shane will be an only child. Which, for me at least, is a tough pill to swallow.

Are we happy with the news we got? Yes. We certainly feel better today than we did yesterday. Are we still terrified of the future? Sure, but isn't everyone? But the fact that we were told that we have a future, together, is all the hope we need.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them coming over these next few weeks while we continue gathering information, meeting with doctors and forming a treatment plan. We're going into NYC on Wednesday to meet with specialists from Sloan-Kettering and from Cornell. We could use all the support we could get and we've certainly got a great support system behind us.

We've learned a lot about ourselves, about life, over these last few weeks. A scare like this makes you realize what's really important. Suddenly you just don't care to make room, or time, for all the bullshit anymore. Priorities start to fall in order and living takes on a whole other meaning.

For that, and for that alone, I owe thanks to cancer.


Regina Caschetto said...

Dear Kristin-
Your blog has been a Godsend for you as for us all-
It's good to share and know that people are pulling for you-
Shane is such a blessing and a glorious gift from God-
We don't know why and I guess we're not supposed to ask, though sometimes we want to-
One day at a time and live for the moment seem like such cliches-
Maybe though they are not and are really great philosophies of life-
You and Christian are just doing so well-
God Bless and prayers and good thoughts always-
Love always-
Cousin Regi.

Aunt Trae said...

I can't believe that I read this blog daily and I only now realized that I can leave a comment..... duh!
Just wanted to say that I love you guys very very much! We are family and we will get through this together

Anonymous said...

hey oc.although im not there,i think i may just know what you and your family are going through.kristin,you r so right about priorities sorting there way out,especially in very dificult times.advice for you kristin,i know how u feel.being the spouse is just as hard as being the one with the illness.having gone through some very major problems here,i tke it as it comes so to say/theres no other way or you'll lose your freakin mind.hang tough,and stop to smell the roses.hope for the best.always in my prayers!!!