Monday, December 22, 2008

Countdown To Christmas

We're counting down the days until "hoo-hoo" comes to our house and leaves toys under the tree for a certain good little boy.

2008 hasn't exactly been a banner year for us. We battled with infertility - and lost, we got a cancer diagnosis, Chris's employer had to cut back hours (and wages) due to the economic crisis and we're feeling the pinch just like everyone else - but we still feel we have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. We're still here. We still have each other, we love each other more than ever and Chris has been feeling pretty great these last few days. It's with these positive thoughts and happenings that we look forward to 2009. We hope the new year will open it's arms, welcome us in, embrace us and protect us from anything "unpleasant" that the year may have otherwise had in store for us. We're ready for a break.

But for now, we're ready for sleighbells. And the glees and wide-eyed wonder that will shine from within our 2.5 year old on Christmas morning. We're sending this year off on a high note and we're hopeful for what 2009 has in store. And we'll be sure to leave cookies and milk for that jolly man in the red suit. Cookies never hurt anyone, anyway.

Merry Christmas! We love, and are grateful for, each and every one of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope your christmas was great.always with you guys oc......the ruebs.