Thursday, December 4, 2008


Just little things that I don't ever want to forget:

*Snowman = "NoMac"

*Man = "Mac" (go figure!)

*Santa = "HooHoo" (think owl, not Ho Ho Ho!!)

*Glass = "ass" (we ask him to say glass ALL the time now!!)

*"Catch a ball" = his new favorite saying

*Truck (has always been, and will probably always be) = "Gee"

*McDonalds and/or Eat and/or chicken nuggets and/or hungry and/or lunch and/or dinner = "dodtch" (we haven't quite figured this one out, but if "gee" is "truck" we're totally screwed!)

*He looks up in the sky for the "moon" every night as we walk to the car after I pick him up from daycare

*He tells us he's going to do "nice" to the dogs (as opposed to "not nice", which is what he normally does!) and then he'll go up to them and give them a kiss and a pat on the head (Zoe's gotten a lot of "nice"since coming home with her leg wrapped up from hip to toe!)

*He'll open the fridge to help himself to a yogurt and go into the drawer and look for "poon" (which is really a fork!). When his yogurt is done, both the container and the "poon" go into either the sink or the garbage can! (Since he figured out how to open the fridge we go through twice as much yogurt in a week and we end up having to buy new toddler flatware MUCH more often!)

*Everything is "Stuck". If he wants out of his carseat, he tells us he's "stuck". If he can't open a drawer, he tells us it's "stuck". If he can't get a book off the bookcase, it's "stuck". And if you've ever seen "Elmo Saves Christmas", then Santa is "stuck" in the chimney and Lightning is stuck in Santa's sack!

We LOVE this cutie of ours!!!

***And two posts in one day, how about that??***

1 comment:

Meg Cole said...

Hi Kristin-
I too have kept a list of "Abbyisms", my favorite being the poo-poo pocket which was the supermarket.
I so enjoy reading your blog. I hope that the news continues to be positive for Chris. Our growth group has been praying for him. Merry Christmas to you all- Love Meg