Tuesday, March 3, 2009


That was Chris's blood pressure at our monthly appointment with Dr. D. yesterday!!! Way down from 150/96 - which is what it was when we were at Sloan for the embolization and way below the /90 that Dr. G. wanted us to be at. If this continues, we should be all set to get Chris this procedure really soon!

He goes back to Sloan tomorrow morning to meet with a MD there about his blood pressure, but it looks like we're heading in the right direction!

We'll continue to keep everyone posted. Keep those prayers coming!


Julie said...

That's wonderful news, I'm so glad to hear that Chris has been able to lower his blood pressure. We will continue to pray that he will be able to get his treatment soon.

Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

Evan & Julie Mattingly

Evan said...

That is fantastic, it is always good to see progress. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers. I know this is a head battle but we must face it with faith that we WILL come out a winner in the end. Faith is the only thing that keeps me going. Keep believing and it will be.

Evan (Salt Lake)