Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It's the new "I love you" in our house (as in "I love you very much"). It's another "Shane-ism" and it lights up our hearts!


Chris is feeling, and doing, better every day. There's still pain, but that's to be expected for a while. The light is back in eyes. No, no. Scratch that. The LIFE is back in his eyes and it's SO good to see. He's not spending all day in bed anymore. His fast-acting pain medication is being used less and less often. He's eating a little bit more than before. There's a new sense of hope in our house for the first time in months and we're holding on tight with both hands!

Keep those prayers coming!

1 comment:

Evan said...

That is fantastic news. Lets keep up the work to fight this ugly thing and get cured together!!