Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby In A Big Boy Bed

Shane's been in his big boy bed for just over a week now and aside from the fact that I've yet been able to come up with a new, workable bedtime routine, it's actually going really well!

Each night that he's slept in his bed, he's fallen asleep within an hour of us having put him to bed (not counting the time it takes to give him his bath, put his pj's on, watch a little Elmo and read a few stories) - it's just that what happens in that hour changes each night and that's what we're trying to work out.
The progression of Day 1 with the Big Boy Bed:
1) He thought it was more comfortable than sitting at the table! (and "thanks" again Grandma for supplying him with an entire bag of chips . . . )

"What, you're not supposed to eat chips in bed?"
2) He thought it was more comfortable than sitting on the couch to watch Elmo!

He looks thrilled with me here, doesn't he?!?!
3) He FINALLY gets it right!! We're working on finishing the "transformation" of his room now! Stay tuned for pictures of Shane's Big Boy Room!!

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