Monday, September 22, 2008

Life . . .

. . . is busy. We spent the entire weekend running errands and helping Uncle Jay put up drywall in his new living room. Never once picked up the camera this weekend! It's going to be a "light" week for photos unless I can find some "oldies but goodies" that I never shared!! Keep your fingers crossed!

. . . is exhausting. Shane keeps us on our toes all the time these days. His days of napping seem to be long gone and with them went our treasured moments of quiet and relaxation. He's got us going non-stop and the only time we sit down these days is when he's asleep for the night! With all these new developments, we're a *little* behind with a lot of things to say the least! Exhibit A - last night we watched the season/series finale of Shark (that we tivo'd) from May 20! Only took us 4 months to find the time to watch it!! By the time we're finally able to sit down and un-wind, we just want to go to bed ourselves! We're WAY beyond sleep-deprived these days!

. . . is fun. Busy and exhausted as we may be, we still have a great time. Shane makes us laugh on a daily basis - either by something he says, something he does, or an accomplishment he's made. When he's finished eating his yogurt, he no longer leaves the empty yogurt cup and spoon sitting on the table (or the floor, or the couch . . . if I'm being honest!) he now throws the empty yogurt cup out in the garbage can (this warms my heart) and the spoon goes right back into the silverware drawer (yogurt remains on the handle and all)!! So in addition to fetching Shane all day long, we're also fetching dirty spoons out of the drawer!

. . . is good. Most of all, despite everything else, life is good. We need to remember that a little bit more some days!

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