Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kent Falls, CT

Over Labor Day weekend we took a drive up to Kent, CT. GramZ had been wanting to visit Kent for a while and this seemed liked a good time to make the trip!

Before we stopped and walked around the town center, we drove up to Kent Falls State Park and enjoyed spending some time hanging out at the falls and snapping a few quick photos.

Shane LOVED walking up all the steps that lead up to the top of the falls (200 feet up!!). While we never did make it to the top, we did make the "start" several times! Talk about a nervous Mama!!!

As much as he loved the steps, he wanted nothing to do with the falls themselves. There are some really nice (and refreshing looking!) pools at the bottom of the falls that people were hanging out in. With his new-found love for pools, we thought he'd be all over this - but once again he proved us wrong!

Shane's nothing if he's not his own little person!

The Falls:

My boys. My heart. In these last 2 you can see how much Shane *loves* to pose for pictures! This why we tend to stick with "action shots" of our little guy!!

With Mommy & Daddy:
With Daddy, Grandpa & GramZ:

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