Thursday, September 18, 2008


Last weekend we took a drive to upstate New York to visit all of Chris's cousins and to help celebrate Charleen's 40th birthday. To say that Shane had a blast playing with all of his cousins is an understatement!! The kid had an unbelievable time and enjoyed every single minute of the day!

Timmy had so many toys that Shane doesn't have and I swear the kid thought he was in the middle of Toys R Us. His face lit up when he walked into the playroom and he just didn't know where to go first!

Here are a few quick snapshots of the kids playing around outside. It's nice to be able to get together with these guys, as many of them have kids Shane's age (or close to it) - and they're family to boot!

Shane, Jack and Timmy in the wagon:
Daddy taking a break from pulling them up and down (and up and down, and up and down) the LONG and HILL-Y driveway!!
The 3 Amigos again:
For some reason Shane thought it would be fun to hop out of the wagon and pull Jack and Timmy himself! Much to our amazement, he was actually able to do it, and he did pretty well . . . as long as he stayed on the driveway!

GramZ, Daddy and Shane - this is what happens when you use a flash! Look at their faces!! (still a cute shot though!)
We all had a blast and we're looking forward to getting together again with everyone for the holidays!

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