Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 Things About Shane

I've seen this on other blogs before, and seeing as how I still don't really have any new pictures processed to share, I thought this would be a good topic for today!

1). He's a back sleeper. LOVES to sleep on his back, which wasn't always the case (he used to be a belly sleeper). Usually, his arms are thrown up over his head in a "touch down" pose, though sometimes they're fully extended to the side, like a cross. He loves snuggling in with his pillow and his special blankets. He always looks so cozy!

2). He's very independent. He can do it himself, thank you very much. Don't try to help him, it just sets him off. If there's some yogurt left in the bottom of the container, it's usually best to just leave it there. He doesn't care if he gets sauce on his nose or pudding in his hair. He's doing it his way and he's doing it himself - which is just how he likes it!

3). He loves to pick out his own shoes. If we're going out, we'll often ask Shane to go get his shoes. He runs down to his bedroom, throws open the closet door and a minute or two later, he's back in front of us with a MATCHING pair of shoes in his hands. Makes us smile every time!

4). He has the world's greatest laugh. It's seriously contagious. And he always laughs like he means it, like whatever just happened was the funniest thing in the world - and to him it probably was. His laugh would melt your heart and give you a case of the giggles for the next 10 minutes!

5). He loves to be outside. Loves walking outside, loves playing outside, loves just plain old standing around outside. If it's outside, it's for Shane. Unless of course it's snow. He HATES snow.

6). His hair has a mind of it's own. It does, I swear. He still has pretty fine, soft hair, but it's always sticking up in at least one or two places. There's no telling his hair what to do, I guess it's independent just like it's owner! I don't know if it's the curls in his hair or what, but there's seriously no hope! The only time it looks good is right after his bath when it's all combed out. I love it though. Gives him character and it suits him perfectly! And no, it's not time for another haircut!

7). He has the cutest head tilt/smile around and loves to use it to his advantage. This kid is a HUGE flirt! I think we're going to be in some big trouble when he's older!

8). He's stubborn. And he has a temper. Not a great combination. He wants, what he wants, when he wants it. And he doesn't forget about it either. He has the ability to hold a grudge until the original desire is met. And he's great at throwing tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants quick enough. This can make for some rather unpleasant outings!

9). He's a sweetheart. Honestly. As crazy busy as he is, he can still be my little cuddle-bug - when he wants to be. He'll run through the house looking for one of us just to so he can give us a kiss or a high five. At the end of the day, when he's plain old exhausted, he'll cuddle up on the couch next to me for 5 minutes and let me play with his hair or rub his back. He'll snuggle with me in the chair in his room at the end of the night and watch some Elmo or read a few books. He's a total love bug and the fact that he makes you wait for it (or work for it) makes it all the more special. This is one of my favorite things about him. His dad is the same way. I'm a lucky girl.

10). He refuses to try peanut butter and jelly! Seriously. Do you know any other kid who refuses to even TRY it?!?! Any tips for me on how to get him to try and then enjoy this childhood staple?!

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