Friday, July 18, 2008

5 On Friday

1). Peasssssssssssss??? (aka Please) Our new favorite word! Which I'm thrilled with, really! Except for when: he hands me the bottle of gas drops - "Peasssss"?; he hands me the bottle of infant tylenol; "Peassssssss, Meeeeeee, Peasssssssssssssss"?; he hands me the tube of toddler toothpaste while the tootbrush is still hanging out of his mouth- "Peasssssssssssss, More?" I think it's time to hide EVERYTHING from this kid! I couldn't be happier that he's learning to be polite, but when did he start thinking that saying "Please" would get him anything he wanted???

2). Uncle Rich and Aunt Lauren are flying in today from Florida!!! They'll be up here with us for a little more than week and we couldn't be happier! Let the good times roll!

3). After spending a few weeks with Aunt Trae, GramZ flies back home from Florida tomorrow and Shane has a big ol' hug waiting for her when he sees her next week!!!!!

4). Cute story. Last weekend Shane was playing with his matchbox cars and he was lining them all up along the top of the sofa in the playroom. The sofa sits up against a wall, under the row of windows in that room. One by one he knocked each car/truck off the edge so that it fell behind the sofa. And to each one that he knocked off, he said "Bye, Gee!" Seriously - how cute is that?!?!

5). I PROMISE to take pictures of the new floors this weekend and post them on Monday. It's just been that kind of a week!

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