Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We've Created A (Shopping) Monster

So Shane and I darted into Home Depot VERY quickly today on the way to daycare so I could grab a piece of Quarter Round molding that we needed for the doorway.

We run through the store, grab the one thing we need, hand the lady at the cash register our $2.98, she, in turn, hands Shane the receipt, and off we go.

As we're walking out of the store, I notice he's got his hand (and therefore the receipt) extended out of the shopping cart, and his head is turning every which way and his cute little face looks puzzled - and it dawns on me. I know what, or who, really, he's looking for.

He was looking for the "BJ's guy"! You know the one - the guy you hand your receipt to when you exit the warehouse stores with a cart full of (un-boxed, un-bagged) goods? Well, that's always been Shanes job - to hand the guy the receipt. And I realized he was looking for one of those guys at the Home Depot today! Perhaps we spend a little too much time at BJ's? Or perhaps our precious, innocent, little boy, thinks his Mommy just stole that piece of Quarter Round from the home improvement store!?!

So funny. So cute. So Shane.

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